What are Bitrate and Resolution?

Bitrate and resolution are two key factors that influence the quality and delivery of videos, especially when it comes to streaming or storing them online, like on Google Drive. Here’s a breakdown of each:


  • Bitrate refers to the amount of water flowing through the pipe each second. It’s measured in bits per second (bps), often abbreviated as Mbps (megabits per second).
  • A higher bitrate signifies more data being used per second to represent the video. This translates to sharper images, richer colors, and finer details – essentially, a higher-quality video.
  • However, the flip side is that a higher bitrate also means a larger file size. This translates to longer upload times and requires a faster internet connection for smooth playback.


  • Resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up a video image. Think of pixels like tiny squares that together form the complete picture. Resolution is typically denoted in width x height format, for example, 1920 x 1080 (commonly known as 1080p).
  • A higher resolution translates to more pixels, resulting in a sharper and clearer image with finer details. Imagine a high-resolution photo compared to a pixelated one. The same applies to videos.
  • However, just like bitrate, a higher resolution also means a larger file size. Additionally, it requires more processing power to display the video smoothly.

Google Drive Improves Video Playback, and Search Experience on iOS

For many users, Google Drive is an essential cloud storage solution. However, video playback within the app could sometimes be clunky, with buffering interrupting the viewing experience. Additionally, navigating through a vast amount of files using the search function could be cumbersome. Thankfully, Google has addressed these pain points with its recent update, specifically targeting iOS devices. Let’s delve deeper into the enhancements that Google Drive now offers.

In Short

  • Google Drive introduces a new transcode to enhance video playback speed and reduce rebuffering.
  • The search functionality on iOS is improved with the addition of query filters.
  • The updates are available for both Workspace clients and personal account holders.

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