What are Forensic Artifacts?

Forensic artifacts are the forensic objects that have some forensic value. Any object that contains some data or evidence of something that has occurred like logs, register, hives, and many more. In this section, we will be going through some of the forensic artifacts that a forensic investigator look for while performing a Forensic analysis in Windows.

1. Recycle Bin

The windows recycle bin contains some great artifacts like:

  • $1 file containing the metadata. You can find this file under the path C:\$Recycle.Bin\SID*\$Ixxxxxx
  • $R file containing the contents of the deleted files. This file can be located under the path C:\$Recycle.Bin\SID*\$Rxxxxxx
  • $1 file can be parsed using a tool $1 Parse.

2. Browsers

Web browsers contain a lot of information like:

  • Cookies.
  • Cached website data.
  • Downloaded files.

3. Windows Error Reporting

This features enables user to inform Microsoft about application faults, kernel faults, unresponsive application, and other application specific problems. This feature provides us with various artifacts like:

  • Program Execution, if a malicious program crashes during program execution.
  • You can locate these artifacts at the following locations:

4. Remote Desktop Protocol Cache

When using the “mstc” client that is provided by the Windows, RDP can be used to move laterally through the network. Cache files are created containing the sections of the screen of the machine to which we are connected to and that is rarely changing. These cache files can be located in the directory:

C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache

Tools like BMC-Tools can be used to extract images stored in these cache files.

5. LNK Files

.lnk files are the windows shortcut files. LNK files link or point to other files or executables for ease of access. You can find following information in these files:

  • The original path of the target file.
  • Timestamp of both the target files and the .lnk files.
  • File Attributes like System, Hidden, etc.
  • Details about the disk.
  • Remote or local execution.
  • MAC address of the machines.

You can use tools like Windows LNK Parsing Library or LECmd to parse the contents of these files.

6. Jump Lists

They contain information about the recently accessed applications and files. This feature was introduced with Windows 7. Two types of Jump Lists can be created in Windows:

  • AUTOMATICDESTINATIONS-MS: These jump lists are created automatically when a user opens a file or an application. They are located under the path: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations
  • CUSTOMDESTINATIONS-MS: These jump lists are custom made and are created when a user pins a file or an application. They are located under the directory C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations

You can use tools like JumpList Explorer, JLECmd, or Windows JumpList Parser to parse Jump lists.

7. Prefetch Files

These files contain a wealth of information like:

  • Application Name.
  • Application path.
  • Last execution timestamp.
  • Creation timestamp.

These files can be located under the directory: C:\Windows\Prefetch\. You can use tools like Windows Prefetch Parser, WinPrefetchView, or PECmd.

Windows Forensic Analysis

When doing Windows Forensic Analysis, it can be quite overwhelming to see the large amount of data that one needs to collect, assuming you know what you are looking for. In case you don’t know what are you looking for, the entire process becomes twice as hard.

In this article we will be discussing following topics:

  1. What is Windows Forensic Analysis?
  2. What are Forensic Artifacts?
  3. Top Open-Source Tools for Windows Forensic Analysis

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