What are Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse Gases Definition: Gases which absorb the infraraid radition from the surface of earth and cause the greenhouse effect is known as Greenhouse Gases.

The atmosphere contains several chemical substances that serve as greenhouse gases. These gases allow sunlight to readily flow through the Earth’s atmosphere and heat the land and oceans. This heat is released by the warmed Earth in the form of infrared light, which is invisible to the human eyes. Some infrared light emitted by the Earth returns to space via the atmosphere.

Green house gases major producer are factories, deforestation, automobiles pollution, etc. Greenhouse gases, on the other hand, will prevent all infrared light from passing through the atmosphere. They absorb some of it and return it to the Earth. The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon that keeps the Earth’s surface warm. It is critical to our survival on our planet. The Earth’s average surface temperature would be around 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.56 °C) colder without the greenhouse effect, making our existing way of life unthinkable.

Greenhouses gases can further be divided into 2 types: 

  1. Direct Greenhouse Gases: Gases that directly absorb the rays are known as direct greenhouse gases. Examples: Ozone, Carbon dioxide.
  2. Indirect Greenhouse Gases: They are not capable to absorb rays on their own, but they form those gases that absorb the rays, such gases known as indirect greenhouse gases. Example: Methane, Carbon monoxide.

What is the Greenhouse Effect? Definition, Causes, and Effects

The Greenhouse Effect is a natural process that occurs in Earth’s atmosphere, where certain greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and keep the planet’s temperature within a range suitable for life. The greenhouse effect is important for maintaining the balance of the Earth’s climate. However, human activities such as burning fossil fuels have caused an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming.

Table of Content

  • Greenhouse Effect Definition
  • What is Greenhouse Effect?
  • Greenhouse Effect Diagram
  • What are Greenhouse Gases?
  • Diagram of Greenhouse Gases
  • Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
  • Causes of Greenhouse Effect
    • Burning of Fossil Fuels
    • Deforestation
    • Farming
    • Industrial Waste and Landfills
  • Effects of Greenhouse Effect
    • Global Warming
    • Depletion of the Ozone Layer
    • Smog and Air Pollution
    • Acidification of Water Bodies 
  • Climate Change Due to Global Warming
  • Runway Greenhouse Effect
  • How to Prevent Greenhouse Effect?
    • Reduce Carbon Emissions
    • Promote Afforestation
    • Reduce Waste
    • Adopt Sustainable Agricultural Practices
    • Promote Sustainable Transportation

In this article, we will cover the greenhouse effect cause and effect along with ways to prevent its adverse effects.

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