What are Load Balancers?

In case multiple servers are present the incoming request coming to the system needs to be directed to one of the multiple servers. We should ensure that every server gets an equal amount of requests. The requests must be distributed in a uniform manner across all the servers. The component which is responsible for distributing these incoming requests uniformly across the servers is known as Load Balancer. A Load Balancer acts as a layer between the incoming requests coming from the user and multiple servers present in the system. We should avoid the scenarios where a single server is getting most of the requests while the rest of them are sitting idle. There are various Load Balancing Algorithms that ensure even distribution of requests across the servers.

Routing requests through Load Balancer

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What are Load Balancers?

In case multiple servers are present the incoming request coming to the system needs to be directed to one of the multiple servers. We should ensure that every server gets an equal amount of requests. The requests must be distributed in a uniform manner across all the servers. The component which is responsible for distributing these incoming requests uniformly across the servers is known as Load Balancer. A Load Balancer acts as a layer between the incoming requests coming from the user and multiple servers present in the system. We should avoid the scenarios where a single server is getting most of the requests while the rest of them are sitting idle. There are various Load Balancing Algorithms that ensure even distribution of requests across the servers....

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