What are Proto-Oncogenes & Oncogenes?

Genes are associated with the Tumorigenesis process. Genes help to develop the proteins that are used to regulate the growth or death of any cells. Now, if these genes are affected then, there will be a problem in protein function. But it should be understood that every cell in our body has genes. From the cells in the Liver to the cells of the Nervous system (Neurons) all of them have the same genes present in them. This means the cells in the Liver has the gene that regulates the neurotransmission process. And the Neurons have the genes to grow like Liver cells. But these genes are disabled in these areas.

So, the growth genes in the Neuron cell are disabled permanently & the neurotransmitter gene in the Liver is also disabled. So, it is clear that every cell has every type of gene present. Now, some genes are highly vulnerable to foreign agents. This means these genes can show some rare functions with the help of foreign agents. These genes are marked & terms as Proto-Oncogene. This means they can develop cancer disease in the future.

When these genes are transformed & ready to develop a tumor in the body is known as the Oncogene. Oncogenes are very hard to trace. Oncogenes start developing tumors in any of the locations in the body. After tracing the Tumorigenesis process, the presence of Oncogenes can be determined. Chemicals or foreign agents like the Virus acts with these genes and changes their structure & genetic sequences. It hampers the genetic structure of the body. As a result, they start acting differently than in normal conditions.

Cancer Genes

The human body is a hub of a complex mechanism. Every organ in the body is associated with cell interactions. Like every machine gets affected by some problems, the human body is not different from that. There are several diseases are present in the world. These are diseases that can affect the process of normal body functions. Human civilization has seen many pandemic disease waves. From Spanish flu to the newest Corona pandemic. These diseases infect the human body & destroy their work. But one most significant disease is still not yet resolved nor has any vaccine. This disease is known as Tumorigenesis.

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FAQs on Genes Involvement in Tumorigenesis

Question 1: What is Tumorigenesis?...