What are RxJS Operations?

In Angular applications, RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a powerful library used for handling asynchronous and event-based programming using observables. RxJS provides a wide range of operators that enable you to manipulate, transform, combine, and manage observables in a flexible and functional way. These operators make it easier to work with data streams and asynchronous operations in a reactive manner.

RxJS operations in Angular

Angular, a popular front-end framework, helps to build responsive and scalable applications. At the core of Angular lies RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript), a powerful library for handling asynchronous operations and event-based programming. In this article, we’ll explore how RxJS helps Angular developers manage complex asynchronous tasks and streamline data flow within their applications.


Table of Content

  • What are RxJS Operations?
  • Uses of RxJS operations
  • Common RxJS Operations in Angular
  • Steps to create Angular Project
  • Common RxJS operators

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What are RxJS Operations?

In Angular applications, RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a powerful library used for handling asynchronous and event-based programming using observables. RxJS provides a wide range of operators that enable you to manipulate, transform, combine, and manage observables in a flexible and functional way. These operators make it easier to work with data streams and asynchronous operations in a reactive manner....

Uses of RxJS operations

Allows the users to map function to transform the value as given by the observable.Used to collect and combine various observables into one observable.Used to determine the number of values that will be emitted by the observable.Used to tackle or handle the error which is emitted by the observable.Used to filter the data on the basis of some function.Used to determine the time when the values will be emitted by the observables....

Common RxJS Operations in Angular

Observable Creation:of(): Creates an observable that emits a sequence of values.from(): Converts an array, promise, or iterable into an observable.ajax(): Performs an XMLHttpRequest with the provided options and returns an observable.Combination Operators:merge(): Combines multiple observables into one by merging their emissions.combineLatest(): Combines the latest values from multiple observables into an array or object.forkJoin(): Combines the last values emitted by multiple observables and emits a single value when all observables complete.Filtering Operators:filter(): Emits only those values from an observable that satisfy a specified condition.distinctUntilChanged(): Emits a value only if it is different from the previous value.debounceTime(): Emits a value from the source observable only after a specified duration has passed without any other value being emitted.Transformation Operators:map(): Transforms each value emitted by an observable into a new value.pluck(): Extracts the value of a specified property from each emitted object.scan(): Applies an accumulator function to each value emitted by an observable and emits each intermediate result.Error Handling Operators:catchError(): Handles errors emitted by the source observable and returns a new observable or throws an error.retry(): Resubscribes to the source observable a specified number of times if an error occurs.Utility Operators:tap(): Performs side effects for each emission on the source observable without modifying the emitted values.delay(): Delays the emissions from the source observable by a specified duration....

Steps to create Angular Project

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm...

Common RxJS operators

Here’s an overview of some common RxJS operators and how they can be used in Angular:...