What are T Cells?

T cells control the immunological response mediated by cells, making up around 75% of the circulating lymphocytes. They originate from bone marrow hemocytoblasts, and when they move to the thymus, they are referred to as T-cells. These immature cells, known as thymocytes in the thymus, develop into T lymphocytes. Thymosin, a local polypeptide hormone, encourages this maturation process. 

After being stimulated by antigens , the T cell divides rapidly and forms a clone of cells known as lymphoblasts. These clones are morphologically similar and can react specifically with the same antigen but perform different functions.  Four different T-lymphocyte subtypes are present in the clone: Helper T-cells, Suppressor T-cells, Memory T-cells and Killer T-cells.

T Cells Functions

Some of the functions performed by T cells are discussed below:

  • Directly attack and kill infected or abnormal cells.
  • Regulate immune responses by activating other immune cells or suppressing excessive reactions.
  • Provide long-term immunity through memory T cells, which respond rapidly to reinfection.
  • Coordinate immune responses by releasing signaling molecules called cytokines.
  • Help in the elimination of pathogens and infected cells through immune surveillance and activation of other immune cells.

Difference Between T Cells And B Cells

The difference between T cells and B cells is that the lymphocytes that remain in the bone marrow for differentiation are known as “B-cells,”. In contrast, the lymphocytes that migrate to the thymus are “T-cells.”  Their mode of action against fighting pathogens is different.  For example- when any pathogen enters the body, T cells recognize it, stimulate different T cells and start making clones.  This is how they increase their number and fight against pathogens.  

However, the B cells, are first activated by T cells, and they also start multiplying and creating copies of memory B cells and plasma cells that migrate to the infection site (lymph).  If the same virus or bacterium re-infects a person, memory B cells can promptly eliminate the antigens. 

Difference Between B and T Cells

Table of Content

  • What are B Cells?
  • What are T Cells?
  • Difference Between B-Cells and T-Cells
  • Similarities Between B cells and T cells
  • Conclusion: Difference Between T Cells And B Cells
  • Difference Between Related Links
  • FAQs on Difference Between T Cells and B Cells

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What are T Cells?

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Conclusion – Difference Between T Cells and B Cells

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