What are the Differences Between Single Circulation and Double Circulation?

The following table lists the differences between single circulation and double circulation:


Single Circulation

Double Circulation

Blood Flow

Blood flows through the heart only once to complete the circuit.

Blood flows through the heart twice to complete the full circuit.

Heart Chambers

Heart is two-chambered with one atrium and one ventricle.

Heart is four-chambered with two atria and two ventricles.

Blood Type Transported

Heart only transports venous blood, i.e., deoxygenated blood.

Both, oxygenated and deoxygenated blood circulate through the heart.

Return Path after Oxygenation

Blood, after oxygenation in gills, does not return to the heart and directly goes to body tissues.

Blood after oxygenation in lungs, comes back to the heart and then is pumped to different body parts through systemic circulation.

Blood Pathways

Blood flows in single pathway.

Blood flows in two pathways, i.e., pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation.

System Efficiency

It is a less efficient system and blood flows at a low pressure.

It is a more efficient system and blood flows at a high pressure.


Occurs in fishes.

Occurs in birds and mammals.

What is Single Circulation?

Single circulation is a circulatory system in which blood passes through the heart only once in the entire cycle. Single circulation is exhibited by fish where the heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the gills for oxygenation. The oxygenated blood then flows to the rest of the body and back to the heart.

Single circulation and double circulation differences lie in the number of times blood passes through the heart in each cycle. In this article, we will cover single circulation examples, diagrams and its features.

Table of Content

  • What is Single Circulation?
  • Single Circulation Examples
  • What are the Main Features of Single Circulation?
  • What are the Differences Between Single Circulation and Double Circulation?
  • Single Circulation Diagram
  • Single Circulation in Fish

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How does Single Circulation Differ from Double Circulation?...