What Are the Uses Cases Of GitHub?

Following are some of the use cases of GitHub

  • Version Control: GitHub is also called an version control system because of it uses such has if the certain developers are working on the same project and if any developer make changes at it is effecting the entire code then they move back to previous version with immediate actions.
  • Collaboration and Code Review: GitHub allows group of developers work on same project where there can review the each others code and can work on the same project which will improve the productivity and where they can develop the complex application in faster manner.
  • Issue Tracking: Has an certain group of developers will work on the same project so when the issue arises in the GitHub then you can assign the issue to the other developer to whom you want.
  • Open Source Development: The most widely used platform for open source development is GitHub.

Introduction to Github

Nowadays software development takes place in a distributive way. This article focuses on one such technology that supports distributed software development i.e., GIT and it’s application via GitHub.

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How To Upload Existing Repository to GitHub

The system should have git installed in it if not install git. Make sure to choose Run git from Windows Command prompt option during installation. Otherwise, open git bash in place of step 2. Open Terminal (for Mac users) or the command prompt (for Windows and Linux users). Change the current working directory to your local project Initialize the local directory as a git repository in different ways as described in the image....

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Git Commands

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) What is GitHub?

1. What is GitHub Copilot?...