What are Visual Principles?

Visual hierarchy is an optimal arrangement of screen elements, in such a way that they appear to be balanced, organized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. Placing information with balance influences the design, and ease in decision-making based on what is important and what is not. Putting relevant information prominently without even putting too much emphasis by adding weight, or color comes from a balanced visual hierarchy. 

12 Principles of Visual Design That Every UI Designer Should Know

Designs create impact using visuals, placed in the order of their importance. A good design is something that has a balance of all the elements occurring in a sequence in an expected manner in front of the user so as to give a sense of familiarity. Visual principles make each and every piece appear to be harmonious and balanced, which makes the design feel functionally and aesthetically pleasing in all aspects. 


In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the visual principles to impact your design. This article is specially designed for UI designers to create a seamless and feature-rich user interface. 

Before getting to know the visual principles, let’s understand what it is actually about and why is it so important.

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What are Visual Principles?

Visual hierarchy is an optimal arrangement of screen elements, in such a way that they appear to be balanced, organized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. Placing information with balance influences the design, and ease in decision-making based on what is important and what is not. Putting relevant information prominently without even putting too much emphasis by adding weight, or color comes from a balanced visual hierarchy....

Why Visual Design Principles are Important?

Because a span to capture user attention on a particular element or piece of information is only “4 to 8 Sec” – Called a human attention span. This means, having too much information placed on the screen might miss capturing user attention, as a result, users should scroll, skip or jump off to something else....

12 Visual Design Principles

Size and Scale Color Contrast Alignment  Emphasis Balanced Typography Repetition White/Negative Spacing Proximity Movement Proportion Perspective  Reading Patterns...

Key Takeaways

Principles talk a lot about how to grab user’s attention and how to make them stay and fall back on your product, to implement this principle in your design it is good to know that:...


All these principles are the crucial consideration one should be mindful of as a user experience designer. It counts as a part of the user’s experience when they visit the website for the first time. For a business to grab user attention and engage them with the product only takes a few seconds, using these principles optimally helps the business to grab users. So it’s a wrap for this article, keep on shining!...