What are Your Weaknesses Examples

Everyone has some flaws and if you say you don’t have any, it will make you sound arrogant in front of the interviewer and may result in disqualification which you don’t want, right? Therefore, think about where you lack and then take action to overcome. The key to talking about your weaknesses is to pair self-awareness with action and result.

Here are ten common weaknesses and sample answers of each that you can use in the job interview.

1. Harsh Self-Criticism

It is a tendency to think negatively about yourself or not acknowledge your achievements which often results in feeling burnout or unmotivated.

Example: Many times I become too harsh in criticizing myself or extremely pushing myself to do things better. I realized it long ago and trying ways to avoid it. Now, I keep the track of my key performance and goals that I achieve and take out time to celebrate these milestones, either small or big. This helps me stay motivated and positive throughout.

2. Fear of Public Speaking

It is when you feel nervous while speaking publicly.

Example: Once I was given the opportunity to present a project to the board members and I felt extremely nervous. I realized that this fear of public speaking also holds back my growth at the workplace. So, after discussing it with my seniors, I signed up for a course to overcome this shortcoming. I’m gaining confidence slowly to address the people around me, brick by brick.

3. Procrastination

It is an act of delaying the task for later because you don’t wish to do it.

Example: I sometimes used to procrastinate things though I realized this, took responsibility, and decided to overcome it. I use google calendar to keep the track of my work progress and deadlines. I make a to-do list every day and crossing things off the list gives me a feeling of accomplishment which I enjoy.

4. Perfectionism

It’s a habit when people tend to run after perfectionism which may lead to overwork and missing out on deadlines.

Example: I tend to run after perfectionism in every project which even threatened deadlines. I learned this the hard way. Now, with the help of colleagues, I make sure I don’t overanalyze things and seek feedback from my teammates and manager and trust them. I’m learning to keep the quality of work intact without running after perfectionism.

5. Lack of Experience with Skill or Software

It is a situation when you lack knowledge about something.

Example: I wish I had more Python experience, but I don’t. When I made the decision to transition into data analytics, I realized that in order to conduct an effective analysis, I would need to use a statistical programming language. Immediately, I enrolled in a Python for Everyone course and discovered that I really enjoy it. I can’t wait to start using the methods I’m learning to improve the productivity of my workflow.

6. Lacking Confidence

A situation when you feel nervous or anxious about opening up or speaking your thoughts or opinion.

Example: I feel nervous speaking about my opinions in front of people. Even when I had a good idea, due to my lack of confidence, I was unable to bring it to the table. But I realized that due to this nature, I’ve been missing out on so many opportunities. So, now I have started talking to people around me, listening to their thoughts, and sharing my opinions, which is helping me gain confidence.

7. Difficulty in Asking Questions

If you feel difficulty in asking questions from others in the group, you may share them.

Example: I feel nervous about asking questions from people which often led to misunderstanding or miscommunication. So, I decided to work on this shortcoming. If I cannot ask something in front of the group, I make sure to visit the person and clear my doubts. This not only improved my work efficiency but saved a lot of time and errors from happening.

8. Obsession with Small Details

When you pay too much attention to small details.

Example: One of my weaknesses is that I overanalyze things and redo my project without getting initial feedback. But I’m working on this habit by sharing my work progress with my teammates and seniors so that I do not miss deadlines and compromise quality.

9. Difficulty in Saying No

It is a time when you can’t say “NO” to anyone thinking what would they think.

Example: I have observed that it’s hard for me to say no to my seniors and colleagues. However, I learned that if I keep doing it, I will suffer from constant burnout and hamper my team’s performance. So, I’m working on this trait by checking how much work I can take at a time and when I need to refuse.

10. Striking for a Good Work-Life Balance

When you indulge yourself too much in work you barely take out time for your loved ones or yourself.

Example: I was unable to strike a balance between my work and personal life, as a result, I missed out on many important family events. Still, I have not achieved a work-life balance but I’m in the process of accomplishing it. I’ve drafted a timetable that reminds me to get out of the office early on specific days and take out time for myself, with the help of my HR.

Top 20 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews (2023)

At some point in a job interview, you may be asked about your strength and weaknesses and you may notice your heart racing. ‘How do I talk about my weak areas without looking terrible for the job role or speak about my strengths without bragging?’ Yes, it’s a tricky one, not only for freshers but for experienced ones also during interviews. But think of this as an opportunity to outshine your positive qualities and set a growth mindset. Don’t know how? Relax! In this article, we’ll discuss how to answer strengths and weaknesses-related questions in job interviews without panicking. 

Before that, let’s understand why interviewers actually ask about strengths and weaknesses during interviews. 


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