What has been dropped?

  1. The HGROUP Element: The HGROUP element was created to group together one or more H1-H6 elements, usually a title and its subtitle. It was designed for a document outlining algorithms, with the goal of omitting all but the highest level heading from the resulting document outline.
  2. The CENTER Element: All of its content is horizontally centered within its containing element. It has always come in handy for centering headings and tables.
  3. The SCOPED Attribute: The SCOPED attribute was unique to the STYLE element and served as a boolean switch, indicating whether or not the styles should be applied to the STYLE block’s container element and child elements rather than the entire document.


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML 5</title>
        .GFG {
            font-size: 40px;
            font-weight: bold;
            color: green;
        body {
            text-align: center;

    <div class="GFG">w3wiki</div>
        <div>A computer science portal for geeks</div>




HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages using a markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. A markup language is used to define the text document within the tag which defines the structure of web pages.

HTML 5 is the fifth and current version of HTML. It has improved the markup available for documents and has introduced application programming interfaces(API) and Document Object Model(DOM). It has introduced various new features like drag and drop, geo-location services, multimedia features, easy doctype declaration, offline data storage, graphic elements, and various semantic tags like the article, section, header, footer, figure, summary, etc. It is supported by all modern browsers.

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What has been dropped?

The HGROUP Element: The HGROUP element was created to group together one or more H1-H6 elements, usually a title and its subtitle. It was designed for a document outlining algorithms, with the goal of omitting all but the highest level heading from the resulting document outline. The CENTER Element: All of its content is horizontally centered within its containing element. It has always come in handy for centering headings and tables. The SCOPED Attribute: The SCOPED attribute was unique to the STYLE element and served as a boolean switch, indicating whether or not the styles should be applied to the STYLE block’s container element and child elements rather than the entire document....