What is a Consensus Mechanism?

The consensus mechanism word is made up of two words: The consensus part means to have a bunch of people agree and the mechanism means the routine procedure to get there. So, consensus mechanism means a procedure that will be used to make sure everyone agrees on something. 

  • A consensus mechanism is a system that is used to verify transactions and maintain the security of a blockchain network on decentralized networks. 
  • It provides a way to come to an agreement on a single state of the network or single data value. In the case of cryptocurrencies, technically they are agreeing on the blockchain. More specifically the state of the blockchain includes individual transactions and even more advanced parts like data and small contracts. 

There are several types of consensus mechanisms, and each works in a different way to ensure that all participants in the network agree on the validity of transactions and blocks that are added to the blockchain.

Cryptographic Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchain

A consensus mechanism is an algorithm that is used to achieve agreement, trust, and security across a decentralized computer network. These protocols help to make sure that all the nodes are synchronized with each other and agree on transactions, which are legitimate and are added to the blockchain.

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What is a Consensus Mechanism?

The consensus mechanism word is made up of two words: The consensus part means to have a bunch of people agree and the mechanism means the routine procedure to get there. So, consensus mechanism means a procedure that will be used to make sure everyone agrees on something....

History of Consensus Mechanism

The history of consensus mechanisms is a long and complex one that spans several decades. In the 1970s, researchers began exploring the problem of reaching consensus in distributed systems, which are composed of multiple nodes that communicate and coordinate with each other to achieve a common goal....

Types of Consensus Mechanisms

Below are the different types of consensus mechanisms:...

Pros of Consensus Mechanism

Decentralization: PoW allows anyone with the necessary hardware and electricity to participating in the validation process, making the network more decentralized. It can reduce the centralization of validation power that can occur with PoW and PoS. Security: PoW is considered one of the most secure consensus mechanisms due to the computational power required to participate in the validation process. PBFT is considered highly secure because of the pre-selected validators who must agree on the validity of transactions. Energy-efficient: PoS is known for its energy efficiency, which can reduce the environmental and economic impact of validation. Fast transaction processing: DPoS can enable faster transaction processing times compared to other consensus mechanisms. PBFT can enable faster transaction processing times compared to other consensus mechanisms....

Cons of Consensus Mechanism

High energy consumption: PoW is known for its high energy consumption, which can have environmental and economic impacts. Centralization of mining: In some cases, mining can become centralized among a few large mining pools, which can reduce the decentralization of the network. Possible centralization of validators: In some cases, PoS can lead to the centralization of validation power among a few large validators, which can reduce the decentralization of the network. Potential for stake-grinding attacks: There is a risk of a stake-grinding attack, where a malicious validator can manipulate the validation process by repeatedly selecting different chains. Possible centralization of validation power: In some cases, DPoS can lead to the centralization of validation power among a few large validators, which can reduce the decentralization of the network. Vulnerability to attacks: DPoS can be vulnerable to a 51% attack, where a single entity controls the majority of the validation power. PBFT can be vulnerable to a 33% attack, where a single entity controls one-third of the validation power. Centralization: PBFT is a permissioned consensus mechanism, which means that only pre-selected validators can participate in the validation process, which can reduce the decentralization of the network....