What is a Jump Statement?

A jump statement is a control flow statement in programming that alters the normal sequential execution of code by transferring program control to a different part of the code. Jump statements include commands like “break,” “continue,” “return,” and “goto,” each serving specific purposes:

  • break: Terminates the current loop iteration or exits a switch statement, transferring control to the statement immediately following the loop or switch block.
  • continue: Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and proceeds to the next iteration of the loop.
  • return: Exits a function prematurely and returns a value, if specified, to the caller.
  • goto: Allows transferring control to a labeled statement within the same function or block, though its usage is discouraged in modern programming due to potential complications in code readability and maintenance.

Jump Statements in Programming

Jump statements in programming allow altering the normal flow of control within a program. These statements provide a way to transfer the execution to a different part of the code, facilitating conditional exits, loop control, function return, or unconditional jumps.

Table of Content

  • What is a Jump Statement?
  • Break Statement
  • Continue Statement
  • Return Statement
  • Goto Statement
  • Jump Statement in C
  • Jump Statement in C++
  • Jump Statement in Java
  • Jump Statement in Python
  • Jump Statement in C#
  • Jump Statement in Javascript

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Jump Statement in C++:

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Jump Statement in Java:

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Jump statements in programming are like shortcuts that allow the program to jump to different places based on certain conditions. They help control the flow of the program by skipping parts of the code, exiting loops early, or returning values from functions. While they can make code more efficient, using them too much can make the code harder to understand, so it’s best to use them carefully....