What is a LIKE Operator?

The ‘LIKE‘ operator is used to match patterns within strings. It allows wildcard characters such as ‘%’ (matches zero or more characters) and ‘_‘ (matches a single character) to be used for flexible pattern matching.


SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;

Explanation: In the WHERE clause, columnN is the column you want to search in, and pattern is the pattern you want to match. The pattern can include the wildcard characters % (matches zero or more characters) and _ (matches exactly one character).

How to Combine LIKE and IN an SQLite

SQLite a lightweight and versatile relational database management system offers powerful querying capabilities through its support for various SQL operators. Two commonly used operators, ‘LIKE‘ and ‘IN‘, enable developers to write flexible and efficient queries for data retrieval.

In this article, we’ll explore how to combine ‘LIKE‘ and ‘IN‘ operators in SQLite statements with the help a sample table to demonstrate their practical applications.

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Overall, by combining ‘LIKE’ and ‘IN’ operators in SQLite developers can construct different queries to retrieve specific data subsets based on pattern matching and multiple value comparisons. Understanding how to effectively use these operators that help developers to write more efficient and precise SQL queries also enhancing data retrieval and analysis capabilities in SQLite .databases....