What is a Monitor?

Monitor belongs to the category of output devices. It is a hardware device which is used to display output. The monitor can display all the graphics and information to the user through the video card. In traditional desktop computers, separate monitors are connected to the other devices with the help of cables. In laptops and tablets, the monitor is built. The monitor is similar to a TV but has a higher resolution.


What is a Monitor?

During ancient times, before the introduction of monitors, devices like Abacus and mechanical calculators were used. After the development of the Analytical Engine by Charles Babbage, the theory of computers came into existence. Now the latest computers comprise basic components like Output Devices, Input Devices, RAM, ROM, CPU, Motherboard, Hard Disk Drives, Cooling Systems, etc. Output Devices are components of the computer. It converts electronic data to a readable format. This readable format can either be displayed to the user as end result or can be used by any other equipment. Some examples of Output Devices are monitors, printers, speakers, headphones, projectors, etc.

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What is a Monitor?

Monitor belongs to the category of output devices. It is a hardware device which is used to display output. The monitor can display all the graphics and information to the user through the video card. In traditional desktop computers, separate monitors are connected to the other devices with the help of cables. In laptops and tablets, the monitor is built. The monitor is similar to a TV but has a higher resolution....

History of Monitor

Monitor was first introduced in 1973 by Xerox Alto Computer. Then further high resolutions were adopted in the late 1980s. Color Cathode Ray Tubes were also introduced during this time period. Later LCD( Liquid Crystal Display) was introduced by Apple in 1998. During this phase different categories of monitors were introduced. By 2008 LED monitors were introduced....

Working Principle of Monitor

Monitor works by using pixels to display the information. These are nothing but tiny dots that emit light. When the monitor receives electrical signals from any other source like for instance the video card that sends video signals, these signals are processed by the monitor and each pixel is illuminated using display technology. The color of each pixel is also determined after processing of signals. The internal circuit of the monitor control the pixel’s brightness and the user can see the images, videos and other outputs on the screen....

Types of Monitor

The different types of monitor are as shown below:...

How to Take Care of Monitor?

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Advantages of Monitor

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FAQs on Monitor

Q.1: What is the difference between pixel and screen resolution?...