What is a Selenium WebElement?

An HTML element on a website serves as the Selenium WebElement. HTML elements are used in HTML documents. The Web Element can be recognized using various attributes like id, class name, link text, XPath, etc.

  1. Every HTML element contains both a start tag and an end tag.
  2. Between the tags is the content.


Paragraph tag:

<p>This is a paragraph</p>.

The content of the paragraph lies between its opening and closing brackets.

WebElements can be initialized and accessed in many different ways. There are different functions for finding the element on the webpage using its various attributes like id, class name, link text, XPath, etc. For example, find_element_by_link_text(), find_element_by_id(), find_element_by_tag_name(), find_element_by_xpath(), find_element_by_class_name(), etc.

Selenium WebDriver – WebElement Commands

Selenium is an open-source program that automates web browsers. Selenium Webdriver is mainly used to execute the scripts according to the browser we are using.

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What is a Selenium WebElement?

An HTML element on a website serves as the Selenium WebElement. HTML elements are used in HTML documents. The Web Element can be recognized using various attributes like id, class name, link text, XPath, etc....

WebElement Commands

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