What is an Observable?

An Observable is a mechanism in RxJS used to handle asynchronous data streams, like HTTP requests, user input, etc. Observables are lazy, which means they won’t start emitting data until you subscribe to them.

How to Subscribe to an Observable in Angular?

In Angular, managing data streams effectively is important, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations. Observables, a core part of the RxJS library used in Angular, are powerful tools for handling these data streams. In this article, we will explore how to subscribe to Observables in Angular.

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What is an Observable?

An Observable is a mechanism in RxJS used to handle asynchronous data streams, like HTTP requests, user input, etc. Observables are lazy, which means they won’t start emitting data until you subscribe to them....

How to Subscribe to an Observable?

Subscribing to an Observable means starting to listen to the stream it provides. When you subscribe, you provide functions that will be executed when the Observable emits a value, an error, or completes. Let’s see how this is done with a basic example....

Steps to Create the Project

Step 1: Create a new angular project by using the following command....


In the service file create a method to return User details observable.We will subscribe the observable in the the app.component.tsDisplay the user details in the app.component.html...


Example 1: Fetching Data with HTTP...