What Is An SSL Certificate?

Before we go further, it is wise that we start with the basics. What is an SSL certificate?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital certificate that validates the identity of a website and secures the data transmitted between the user’s browser and the website’s server. It provides a secure, encrypted connection. These encrypted sessions prevent unauthorized access to confidential information. Confidential info may include things such as login credentials, payment details and personal information.

SSL certificates also help build trust and security online. They indicate that the website is trustworthy and uses encryption protocols to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

At this point, it is crystal clear that an SSL certificate is an indispensable ingredient to any website that intends to survive the current wave of cyber threats. There are several SSL certificate options available. Just ensure you get yourself one that fits your needs. SSL resellers such as CheapSSLShop offer valuable and budget friendly certificate options that will do just good for you.

How To Configure AWS Certificate Manager For SSL/TLS

We all know the reasons we need to configure an SSL certificate on our websites. SSL certificates (sometimes referred to as TLS certificates) help safeguard our data online. An SSL certificate brings forth a robust encryption layer to play. With this encryption, it becomes extremely hard for intruders to intercept data in transit.

The whole process of purchasing, installing, configuring, and renewing SSL certificates can be somewhat daunting. AWS certificate manager helps eliminate this hassle. It simplifies everything even for the non-tech users. With AWS certificate manager, certificate acquisition is a breeze. Certificate management is centralized and installation, configuration, and renewal are a piece of cake. So you are probably saying to yourself, “well, let me sign up to AWS certificate manager and get things up and running.” Good idea. But you need to have a perfect idea of how AWS certificate manager works.

This article walks you through the nitty-gritties of AWS certificate managers. It tells you everything you need to know, including how to configure AWS certificate manager for SSL/TLS.

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