What is AWS CodePipeline?

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps us automate our release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.

  • We will create the pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, a service that builds, tests, and deploys our code every time there is a code change. We will use our GitHub account, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, or an AWS CodeCommit repository as the source location for the sample app’s code. We will also use AWS Elastic Beanstalk as the deployment target for the sample app. Our completed pipeline will be able to detect changes made to the source repository containing the sample app and then automatically update our live sample app.

CodePipeline Concepts

1. Pipeline: A pipeline defines release process workflow that describes how a new code change progresses through release process.

2. Stage: Stages (e.g., build, test, and deploy) act as logical divisions in workflow.

3. Revision: A revision is a change made to the source location defined on pipeline.

4. Action: An action is a task performed on a revision.

Implementing Continuous Integration And Deployment (CI/CD) With AWS CodePipeline

In the Rapid field of software development, implementation of Continuous Integration and Deployment ( CI/CD )  is essential for dependable and effective applications. This Article explores the streamlined process of setting up CI/CD using the AWS Code pipeline automating the build, test, and deployment phases. This user-friendly solution from Amazon web services(AWS) can enhance your development workflow rapidly and error-free releases.

What Is CI/CD On AWS?

When new code is submitted on one end and tested over a series of stages (source, build, test, staging, and production), and then published as production-ready code, CI/CD pipeline is used in that case.

Advantage of using CI/CD

  • Frequent releases: Based on customer feedback or monitoring input, we can release the changes with CI/CD.
  • Low risk: There won’t be any manual intervention and configuration setup, since its automated process.
  • Increased Productivity: Increased developer productivity, as product will be released as different components.

AWS CI/CD Tools and Services

AWS CodeCommit

  • AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, fully managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories.
  • No need for the user to know Git and manage their own source control system and worry about scaling up or down their infrastructure.Even about provisioning hardware, server, scaling or software which must be installed, configured or updated.
  • Codecommit repositories are encrypted so its secured.
  • The size of files or file types doesn’t bother file storage in Codecommit.

AWS CodeBuild

  • AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service in the cloud. It compiles source code, runs unit tests, and produces artifacts that are ready to deploy.
  • CodeBuild eliminates the need to provision, manage, and scale our own build servers.
  • It is On demand which scales on demand to meet our build needs. We pay only for the number of build minutes we consume.
  • CodeBuild provides preconfigured build environments for the most popular programming languages which points to our build script to start our first build.

AWS CodeDeploy

  • AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates software deployments that can deliver new features more quickly, avoid application deployment downtime, and handle the complexity of application updates with AWS CodeDeploy.
  • We can easily roll out new features, prevent downtime when deploying our apps, and handle the complexity of updating our programs without many of the hazards involved with risky manual deployments.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed container registry which offers high-performance hosting, so we can reliably deploy application images and artifacts anywhere.
  • It provides a command-line interface (CLI) and APIs to manage repositories and integrated services, such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), which installs and manages the infrastructure for these containers.
  • Difference between Amazon ECR and AWS ECS is that while ECR provides the repository that stores all code that has been written and packaged as a Docker image, the ECS takes these files and actively uses them in the deployment of applications.

AWS CodeStar

  • AWS CodeStar project can be used to create and integrate Amazon services with the user’s project development toolchain. Based on the CodeStar project template chosen by the user, the toolchain will include source control, build, deployment, virtual servers or server less resources and other resources.
  • It can be used to set up application development in the cloud and to manage the user’s application with the help of a single, centralized dashboard.

To know about how to create AWS Account, Refer this article – create and activate aws account

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