What is Bone Resorption and Bone Remodelling

Bone architecture constantly changes based on age, injury, mechanical damages caused due to strain and stress on the body. This continuous process of bone formation and replacing damaged parts by adding new cells is called bone remodelling. Rate and speed of bone remodelling is faster in children of young age and in adults. It slows down with increasing age in older individuals.

Bone Resorption

Bone resorption is a physiological process in which osteoclasts are formed to break down and remove old or damaged bone tissue. Osteoclasts create an acidic environment and secrete enzymes to dissolve the mineral and organic components of bone, releasing minerals like calcium and phosphorus into the bloodstream. This process is tightly regulated by hormones, growth factors, and mechanical stimuli to maintain skeletal health and mineral homeostasis. This process results in formation of small cavities called resorption pits or lacunae.

Bone Anatomy – Functions, and Types

Bones are essential organs of the skeletal system in vertebrates, providing structural support and protection to internal organs. They also facilitate movement, blood cell production, and mineral storage. Bones in the human body are made of bone tissue, cartilage, marrow, blood vessels, and nerves.

Each bone has a specific function and shape. Bone growth and remodeling occur throughout life. These processes are regulated by ossification and bone resorption. Let us discuss bones, their structure, function, and more in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Bone?
  • Morphology and Structure of Bones in Human Body
  • Cells of the Bone
  • Types of Bones
  • Functions of Bones
  • What is Bone Resorption and Bone Remodelling

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What is Bone Resorption and Bone Remodelling

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Conclusion – Bone Anatomy – Functions and Types

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How many Bones are Present in the Human Body?...