What is Cash on Delivery (COD)?

In a cash-on-delivery (COD) transaction, the recipient pays cash instead of using credit for the product at the time of delivery. COD doesn’t necessarily require physical cash; thus, it is also known as collect-on-delivery. In this system, depending on a business’s specific policies, cheques and cards are accepted as payment methods.

Cash on Delivery is a way of payment for goods purchased online. Customers can use COD while ordering items from e-commerce platforms and websites and can pay for them after they have received the item. Cash or Debit/Credit Card Payments can be made to the delivery agent. COD service increases the trust between buyers and sellers. For example, this service is provided by Amazon. In this process, sellers either deliver the products themselves or work with a delivery service. The delivery agencies are paid after fees have been deducted; however, this increases costs and lowers the profit of the seller.

Cash on Delivery | Full Form of COD, Working and Factors

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What is Cash on Delivery (COD)?

In a cash-on-delivery (COD) transaction, the recipient pays cash instead of using credit for the product at the time of delivery. COD doesn’t necessarily require physical cash; thus, it is also known as collect-on-delivery. In this system, depending on a business’s specific policies, cheques and cards are accepted as payment methods....

Full-Form of COD

COD stands for Cash on Delivery, and it means that payment will be made at the time of delivery with no exceptions. It is a modern payment method designed for online transactions. The buyer orders products and processes payment later, either in cash or by debit/credit card through the delivery agency. Cash on delivery is a payment option that allows customers to pay for their purchases only when they receive them. This method is convenient for customers who are unsure about the quality of the product or have concerns about online payment security....

Factors affecting COD

Different factors affecting COD are as follows:...

Advantages of Cash on Delivery

1. Increased Consumer Loyalty and Satisfaction:...

Disadvantages of Cash on Delivery

1. Potential Problems with Cash Flow and Refusals to Pay:...