What Is Cell-Matrix Interaction?


Matrix is a jelly-like element present in the cells. Mainly they are situated outside of any cells. Matrix is an element that is present only in the higher class organisms. Mainly, all vertebrates have Matrix in their cell surroundings. They are not in liquid format. Rather, it can be identified as a pulpy-like element. This element helps to make a collaboration of the cells. All the cells in the body are present in a collaborative format. This element is present in between every cell. That is why; the cells can reduce the frictional disturbance in between such cell combinations.

Every cell can interact with each other using the Cell Signaling process. This means, one cell can send necessary signals to other cells for any particular reason. Like, some cells need a particular product for their survival. That product needs to be getting from a neighboring cell. The same interaction process is done between a cell & the matrix around it. Matrix is not only a jelly-like structure. Rather, it is a pool of proteins. Time by time, a cell needs to access the proteins that are inside of the Matrix. Or sometimes, a foreign element needs to be entered into the cell via Matrix. So, at that time, a Cell- Matrix Interaction process will help a lot to manage it.

Cell-to-Matrix Interaction

The human body might seem like a strange structure. There are a lot of organs & components present in the human body. But those are not the complete background of the human body. There are several tiny elements are present in the body that helps to provide a body structure. There are millions of millions such elements present in each body. All these elements together build the overall structure of the body. Those are known as the Cells. Cells are the microscopic elements are present in the body. Millions of cells altogether define any organ. Cells communicate with each other by signaling process. But there is also another process by which cells can communicate with their surrounding environment. This communication is often termed interaction.

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Importance of Cell-Matrix Interaction Process

Cell-Matrix Interaction is a highly important process in the human body. For interaction between different organs, there is a central commanding region present in the human body. That is known as Central Nervous System. But for interacting in between the Cell & Matrix, there is no such commanding region present. Also, there is no common thread present between them. So, Cell-Matrix Interaction is the only process to communicate among them. Sometimes, there is a need for a specific protein that is only present in the Matrix. So, using the Cell-Matrix Interaction process, a cell can get that protein in exchange for any other material. Also, in some cases, the Cell-Matrix Interaction process is the key method to start the cell-to-cell interaction process. In absence of this process, a cell will not get the necessary elements from the matrix. And hence, the cells will become inactive. That will be dangerous for the body....

Difference between Cell-to-Matrix Interaction & Cell-to-Cell Interaction:

Cell-To-Matrix Interaction Cell-To-Cell Interaction In the Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process, a cell interacts with the extracellular matrix or with the basal lamina. This is an interactive process between a cell & a liquid-like matrix. In the Cell-To-Cell Interaction process, a cell can only able to interact with another cell. That cell might be located close to it or might be it is a far most cell. The Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process can be visualized in any cell of the body. Every individual cell needs to do the Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process. The Cell-To-Cell Interaction process is not mandatory for all cells. This is the process that can be found only in a special set of cells. In the Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process, there are some intermediate bridges are found between a cell & matrix. They are known as Adhesions. In the Cell-To-Cell Interaction process, there are some intermediate bridges are found between two cells. They are known as the Junctions. The Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process is used for every type of communication. This is the communication process with the environment. The Cell-To-Cell Interaction process is done when there is a special need. This is a process that is not done frequently. The Cell-To-Matrix Interaction process is often used to produce some more matrices for environment communication. The Cell-To-Cell Interaction process is not used to produce any other cell in the body to maintain the communication process....

Example of Cell-Matrix Interaction Process

Focal Adhesion...

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