What is Chlorophyll?

The word chlorophyll originated from the Greek words khloros (green) and phyllon (leaves). Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells, as well as in the cells of algae and some other unicellular organisms like cyanobacteria and euglena.

  • Chlorophyll serves as a photoreceptor. It is a pigment that helps with photosynthesis by absorbing light energy and use it in splitting up the water molecules that triggers further reaction. Chlorophyll absorbs only red and blue light while green light is not absorbed but reflected. This makes the leaves of the plants appear green.
  • There are various types of chlorophyll pigments. These pigments are further distinguished according to their composition, functions, and other kind of characteristics. The chloroplasts are the organelles found in plant cells, that contain chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll Structure

  • Chlorophyll contains a porphyrin ring. Within the center of the porphyrin ring, there is a single magnesium ion (Mg2+) that is coordinated by four nitrogen atoms from the pyrrole rings. This interaction gives the chlorophyll molecule its characteristic green color.
  • Attached to the porphyrin ring is a long hydrocarbon tail known as the phytol tail. This tail consists of 20 carbon atoms and helps anchor the chlorophyll molecule into the thylakoid membrane within the chloroplast.
  • Chlorophyll molecules also have side chains attached to the porphyrin ring, which can vary depending on the type of chlorophyll. These side chains may include methyl, vinyl, and aldehyde groups, among others.

Why are plants green?

The answer to why are plants green is because of the primary green pigment called chlorophyll and the function of chlorophyll is to help in photosynthesis. Plants are among those organisms that can convert the light energy of the sun into chemical energy. That is why these green plants are called the producers of the ecosystem. The green color of the plant is contributed by the pigment chlorophyll that is present in the chloroplasts. Chlorophyll is not only responsible for the green color of a plant but is also an essential facilitator of photosynthesis. In this article, we will study why are plants green, the functions of chlorophyll, chloroplasts, etc.,

Table of Content

  • Why are Plants Green?
  • What is Chlorophyll?
  • Types of Chlorophyll in Plants
  • Chloroplasts
  • Photosynthesis as the Primary Function of Plant Pigments
  • Why are Some Plants not Green?

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Conclusion: Why are Plants Green?

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