What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

The focus of the continuous delivery approach to software engineering is on an automated and smooth release procedure. The objective is to offer development teams the confidence they need to confidently release software updates to production at any time. This entails automating a number of software delivery process steps, such as application construction, testing, and deployment. CD pipelines make it easier to deploy software quickly and consistently while lowering the chance of human error and the need for manual intervention.

How to Set Up a CI Pipeline for Ktor Using GitHub Actions?

In this article, we’ll look at how to use GitHub Actions to create a robust and effective Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for Ktor applications. Developers have a great foundation to construct high-performance server-side apps thanks to Ktor, a versatile and lightweight Kotlin framework for building web applications. We can automate the build, test, and deployment procedures by integrating GitHub Actions, resulting in the timely and error-free delivery of Ktor projects. Let’s get started with the detailed instructions for setting up a CI pipeline that will speed up development and improve teamwork on Ktor projects.

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First things first, once you’ve built a server using Ktor, deploy it on GitHub so that we can use GitHub Actions to build a CI pipeline for the same. Now, after you’ve pushed your project on GitHub, on the main home screen of your project, click on Add file > Create new file. As GitHub Actions finds the workflow file in a specific directory, we need to create a directory inside which we’ll add our CI Workflow file. So start typing the name as .github/workflows/ci-ktor.yml. All the YAML files are extended with the extension .yml....

What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

The focus of the continuous delivery approach to software engineering is on an automated and smooth release procedure. The objective is to offer development teams the confidence they need to confidently release software updates to production at any time. This entails automating a number of software delivery process steps, such as application construction, testing, and deployment. CD pipelines make it easier to deploy software quickly and consistently while lowering the chance of human error and the need for manual intervention....

Important Parts Of A CD Pipeline

The Source Code Management (SCM) pipeline’s cornerstone is SCM. Teams can work together, keep track of changes, and manage various software versions thanks to the storage of the source code in a version control system like Git. Comprehensive automated testing is a critical component of CD. It includes several test kinds, including end-to-end tests, integration tests, and unit tests. Automated testing makes sure that modifications don’t result in regressions or affect working functionality. Artefact management: An artefact repository is where build artefacts, such as built binaries and package files, are stored and managed. This guarantees consistent and traceable deployment artefacts. Automation of deployment: In this stage, the application is deployed to several environments, such as development, staging, and production....

FAQs On CI Pipeline for Ktor Using GitHub Actions

1. Is GitHub Actions a CI Tool?...