What is Emotional Intelligence: Up and Close

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, recognize and manage your emotions effectively, along with recognizing and influencing the emotions of others. A superpower, as you may call it, EQ encompasses a set of skills such as self-motivation, empathy, interpersonal skills, and controlled responsiveness.

Simply put, an emotionally intelligent person will have answers for ‘Why do I feel that way?’ or ‘What made me behave like that?’ or ‘How can I mend my behavior?’.

How to Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence in an Interview?

If asked to write a recipe for a successful interview, what would you include? Practically, a stellar CV, ability to relate to past experiences, formal fits, demonstration of technical skills, and soft skills. Or maybe a few closer choices, right?

With that said, there’s an important ingredient that you missed – Your Emotional Capability.

Emotional Intelligence (known as EQ or Emotional Quotient) is a key factor that helps a recruiter decide whether you are a good fit for the role.

This article will cover everything you need to know- from tackling emotional intelligence questions in an interview to showcasing emotional Intelligence on the job.

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Summing Up!

Emotional Intelligence is everything that you do for yourself and others. It is a necessary workplace trait to manage difficult situations while keeping your emotions in check. Now that you know the strategies to ace the EQ test in your interview, give yourself enough practice and put your best foot forward. Show the recruiters that your emotions are ready to roll in!...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can I improve my EQ?...