What is Error Handling in OS?

Error handling in an operating system basically refers to the systematic process or systematic approach for Detecting, Managing, and properly responding to the errors that actually occurred by some failures, like Transient failures or permanent failures. Error handling in an operating system consists of some mechanisms or some solutions to handle these types of failures or exceptions or some unexpected scenarios. By ensuring that system can continue its operation or continue its desired action, although if any error is been occurred, the main aim of this error handling in the operating system is to basically handle the errors which have occurred in runtime or in compile time in an efficient and stable manner. Error handling consists of some of the strategies, like exception handling, error codes, and messages, retry mechanisms, Logging and debugging, etc. Using all these mechanisms, we can easily detect and manage the failures which are been occurred in the operating system.

Error Handling in Operating System

An operating system is defined as an interface between the computer system and its users. Once the operating system is loaded into the computer system through the boot program it is responsible for managing all the applications on the device. The operating system is a significant component of the system software in a computer system.

As the operating system is a collection of various software there may be some errors that can cause the system to have some severe fault or severe stoppage of any service which can lead to false results or some defective results to handle this error handling should be properly applied. The below article covers in detail the error, its types, the concept of error handling, and their needs.

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What is an Error?

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Types of Error

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What is Error Handling in OS?

Error handling in an operating system basically refers to the systematic process or systematic approach for Detecting, Managing, and properly responding to the errors that actually occurred by some failures, like Transient failures or permanent failures. Error handling in an operating system consists of some mechanisms or some solutions to handle these types of failures or exceptions or some unexpected scenarios. By ensuring that system can continue its operation or continue its desired action, although if any error is been occurred, the main aim of this error handling in the operating system is to basically handle the errors which have occurred in runtime or in compile time in an efficient and stable manner. Error handling consists of some of the strategies, like exception handling, error codes, and messages, retry mechanisms, Logging and debugging, etc. Using all these mechanisms, we can easily detect and manage the failures which are been occurred in the operating system....

What is the Need of Error Handling in OS?

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Scenario: Operating System Error Handling in File I/O

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FAQs on Error Handling

Q.1: How segmentation fault is handled by operating system?...