What is Fully Functional Dependency?

Real-life dependencies emerge when, within one relationship, the value of one of the attributes is capable of identifying the value of another attribute. Simply put, if A fully determines B without any proper subset of A giving full cause to B, then A is said to fully depend on B. In other words, you cannot derive B from a smaller part of A.

An Example of Fully Functional Dependency

To visualize a relation called “Employee” with the attributes {Employee_ID, Employee_Name, Department, Salary}, use the following diagram: Basically, if that the Employee_ID attribute figures out the other attributes in the table, such as the Employee_Name, Department, and Salary, the Employee_ID attribute fully functionally depends on all these attributes.

Fully Functional Dependency in DBMS

In the case of database management systems (DBMS), knowledge of dependencies is vital for the base built on this and it is a must for the development of the database that is most useful and practical. Special interdependency, which is expressed in the schema of the database, is based on the rule of changing attributes by changing the rest of the schema’s attributes. One of the more powerful normalization forms, fully functional dependency, remains an important key to the normalization process and ensuring reliability and integrity of data. We’ll look into the enabler of totally working with dependency and the way it is connected with the design of a database.

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What is Fully Functional Dependency?

Real-life dependencies emerge when, within one relationship, the value of one of the attributes is capable of identifying the value of another attribute. Simply put, if A fully determines B without any proper subset of A giving full cause to B, then A is said to fully depend on B. In other words, you cannot derive B from a smaller part of A....

Importance of Fully Functional Dependency

Data Integrity: Instantaneous reference derives ones and only one value from others on the elements, which provides data integrity. Normalization: Finding and ensuring all the relationships are incomplete for one (and only one) of the attributes is the central part of the normalization process. It plays a role in recording large tables into smaller, structured tables, which reduces redundancy and helps people to handle transactions successfully. Efficient Queries: Databases with well-thought-out dependencies that provide maximum functionality are usually the ones that tend to outperform in query response. In the data has a logical structure, the search process becomes faster as time goes by. Update Anomalies: All major operations will be enabled by this through reduced anomalies in updates. An update anomaly happens when performing an action on one attribute results in the ratification other attributes or errors....

Practical Implications and Implementation

Imposition of the complete functioning dependency quite often implies a structural rearrangement of the database schema, which requires splitting the data into different tables, the creation of new relations, and, maybe, a modification of the existing constraints. DBAs of computer database administration are supposed to guarantee that data integrity is well taken care of through the usage of these dependencies, and they should also be applied to optimize the performance of the database....


Is data dependency considered fully functional? It is one of the most foundational concepts in introducing DBMS, increased data integrity, normalization, and efficiency in querying and updates are among the aims of using fully functional dependency. Identifying the fully functional input and output dependencies is critical for designers and administrators of databases who create robust, performant, and reliable database systems that effectively process the data. Although the use of the principle of fully functional dependency has been evolving over time, it is still a crucial factor for ensuring the trustworthiness and productivity of present-day databases....

Frequently Asked Questions on Fully Functional Dependency – FAQs

What is fully functional dependency in DBMS?...