What is Hybridization of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?

Hybridization of NO2 is sp2.

In this hybridization, three equivalent hybrid orbitals are created. Here, nitrogen is the central atom bonded with two oxygen atoms. Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons arranged in 2s2 2p. Now, the one electron of 2s orbital and two electrons in the 2p orbital participated in hybridization of NO2 thus total three hybrid orbitals are formed (1 + 2 = 3), giving sp2 hybridization of NO2.

Sigma bonds are created when these hybrid orbitals overlap with the oxygen orbitals, and the p orbital of the nitrogen atom forms a pi bond with the oxygen atom.

Hybridization of NO2

Hybridization of NO2 is sp2. Three equivalent hybrid orbitals are created in the Hybridization of NO2. Nitrogen dioxide, or NO2 consists of two oxygen atoms combined with one nitrogen atom. Hybridization of NO2 is useful to examine the arrangement of atomic orbitals and its effect on its molecular structure and characteristics.

In this article, we will explore the idea of hybridization and provide a clear and understandable explanation of the hybridization of NO2 along with the hybridization of both its ions NO2+ and NO2–.

Table of Content

  • Nitrogen Dioxide[NO2]
  • What is Hybridization of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?
  • Hybridization of NO2+ and NO2-
  • Hybridization of NO2: FAQs

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In conclusion, learning more about NO2‘s hybridization offers important new perspectives on the molecule’s makeup and characteristics. The overall geometry is influenced by nitrogen sp2 hybridization, which yields a bent or V-shaped molecule with a bond angle of about 134 degrees. The unique properties of NO2 are partly attributed to the unequal bond lengths in the N-O bonds....

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