What is it?

Binary System: The system utilizing only the digits 0 and 1 functions, as a base 2 number system. A “bit” denotes any digit.

Bit: The smallest data unit, in a computer is known as a bit with two values; 0 or 1.

Byte: An aggregation of eight bits forms a byte. In the ASCII encoding scheme the letter ‘A’ is symbolized by the sequence 01000001.

What is Binary Code?

Two States the digital systems, and computers are written in its basic language. Binary code It is a digital encoding of an analog signal wherein it uses a two-symbol system, ‘0’ and ‘1’, to represent text, computer processor instructions, or any other data. A bit short for “binary digit”, is the basic measure of information used in computing and digital communication.

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Understanding Binary Code

Binary code is used by various operations and data handling, and by digital devices. The binary system is based on base-2 (as opposed to Humans and our decimal-based, or base-10 counting system). Binary code worked perfectly because it matched the on (1) and off (0) two-state electronic circuitry used in digital systems, hence binary coding of ones and zeroes is a structured way to do things for a computer....

What is it?

Binary System: The system utilizing only the digits 0 and 1 functions, as a base 2 number system. A “bit” denotes any digit....

Application of Binary Code

Computers and Digital Devices...

Key Pointers of Binary System

Switches: Among the basic components of digital circuits are transistors. They act as electronic switches that have two states: on (1) and off (0). many circuit combinations which involves transistors allow for complicated calculations and data storage. Logic Gates: Digital circuits are build using logic gates as their building blocks, which perform elementary logical operations using binary inputs. Some of the common gates that producing results based on binary logics include AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR. Microcontrollers: Microprocessors are responsible for processing information within computers’ central processing units (CPUs). These processors operate by following binary coded instructions. The processes carried out by the CPU include input/output communication, arithmetic/logic operations along with control functions. RAM and ROM memory: Memory devices save binary data in them. While ROM is non-volatile and has the computer’s main start-up instructions RAM is a volatile memory used to temporarily store information during computations Electronic Data Storage: Binary data is always saved in hard drives; solid-state drives; or other types of media. Data is stored in such a way that it can be read, written to and modified through sequences denoted by binary codes....

What Does a Binary Code Do?

The machine language that is used by computers for processing and storing information written in digital format uses binary code. It comprises of only two digits, 0 and 1. A bit is either a 0 or a 1. This therefore gives an outline of what binary code do...

Binary to Decimal Conversion

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Binary code is used to represent it that’s why it is simple. It is very easy to learn and work with, having just two symbols. Digital electronic devices, such as computers and smartphones, are compatible at the most basic level as they all use binary code. Ensuring that all these are compatible with one another for smooth operation across the same platform. Binary code Make it reliable, because binary code is simple, it means that constant can only be 0 or 1 which makes it more reliable. With only two states it was less likely to go wrong. Any errors were also more easily detectable and fixable. Efficient: Because the binary code matches electronic switches that can be in only one of two states, on or off, it is very efficient. Binary makes computer systems operate much faster while using less electric power. Mathematical Precision : It is easy to implement binary arithmetic hence suitable for mathematical operations in computing systems. The primary arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) can be performed faster in binary than in decimal....


Binary code established all digital systems. Understanding the basics about computing requires comprehending how to perform the operations on systems as binary numbers....

Frequently Asked Questions on Binary Code – FAQs

How do we convert binary code to other number systems?...