What is Mask R-CNN?

Mask R-CNN (Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) is an extension of the Faster R-CNN architecture that adds a branch for predicting segmentation masks on top of the existing object detection capabilities. It was introduced to address the task of instance segmentation, where the goal is not only to detect objects in an image but also to precisely segment the pixels corresponding to each object instance.

Mask R-CNN Architecture

Mask R-CNN was proposed by Kaiming He et al. in 2017. It is very similar to Faster R-CNN except there is another layer to predict segmented. The stage of region proposal generation is the same in both the architecture the second stage which works in parallel predicts the class generates a bounding box as well as outputs a binary mask for each RoI.

Mask R-CNN Architecture

It comprises of –

  • Backbone Network
  • Region Proposal Network
  • Mask Representation
  • RoI Align

Backbone Network

The authors of Mask R-CNN experimented with two kinds of backbone networks. The first is standard ResNet architecture (ResNet-C4) and another is ResNet with a feature pyramid network. The standard ResNet architecture was similar to that of Faster R-CNN but the ResNet-FPN has proposed some modification. This consists of a multi-layer RoI generation. This multi-layer feature pyramid network generates RoI of different scale which improves the accuracy of previous ResNet architecture.

Mask R-CNN backbone architecture

At every layer, the feature map size is reduced by half and the number of feature maps is doubled. We took output from four layers (layers – 1, 2, 3, and 4). To generate final feature maps, we use an approach called the top-bottom pathway. We start from the top feature map(w/32, h/32, 256) and work our way down to bigger ones, by upscale operations. Before sampling, we also apply the 1*1 convolution to bring down the number of channels to 256. This is then added element-wise to the up-sampled output from the previous iteration. All the outputs are subjected to 3 X 3 convolution layers to create the final 4 feature maps(P2, P3, P4, P5). The 5th feature map (P6) is generated from a max pooling operation from P5.

Region Proposal Network

All the convolution feature map that is generated by the previous layer is passed through a 3*3 convolution layer. The output of this is then passed into two parallel branches that determine the objectness score and regress the bounding box coordinates.

Anchor Generation Mask R-CNN

Here, we only use only one anchor stride and 3 anchor ratios for a feature pyramid (because we already have feature maps of different sizes to check for objects of different sizes).

Mask Representation

A mask contains spatial information about the object. Thus, unlike the classification and bounding box regression layers, we could not collapse the output to a fully connected layer to improve since it requires pixel-to-pixel correspondence from the above layer. Mask R-CNN uses a fully connected network to predict the mask. This ConvNet takes an RoI as input and outputs the m*m mask representation. We also upscale this mask for inference on the input image and reduce the channels to 256 using 1*1 convolution. In order to generate input for this fully connected network that predicts mask, we use RoIAlign. The purpose of RoIAlign is to use convert different-size feature maps generated by the region proposal network into a fixed-size feature map. Mask R-CNN paper suggested two variants of architecture. In one variant, the input of mask generation CNN is passed after RoIAlign is applied (ResNet C4), but in another variant, the input is passed just before the fully connected layer (FPN Network).

This mask generation branch is a full convolution network and it output a K * (m*m), where K is the number of classes (one for each class) and m=14 for ResNet-C4 and 28 for ResNet_FPN.

RoI Align

RoI align has the same motive as of RoI pool, to generate the fixed size regions of interest from region proposals. It works in the following steps: 

ROI Align

Given the feature map of the previous Convolution layer of size h*w, divide this feature map into M * N grids of equal size (we will NOT just take integer value).

The mask R-CNN inference speed is around 2 fps, which is good considering the addition of a segmentation branch in the architecture.

How does Mask R-CNN work?

As we have seen, Mask R-CNN builds upon the two-stage architecture of Faster R-CNN, incorporating an additional branch to predict segmentation masks for each detected object.

The key innovation in Mask R-CNN is the introduction of a third branch, the mask branch, which operates in parallel with the existing region proposal and classification branches. After the region proposals are generated by the region proposal network (RPN), the mask branch is responsible for predicting a binary mask for each proposed region, outlining the exact pixel-level boundaries of the object. This allows Mask R-CNN not only to identify and classify objects but also to provide a detailed segmentation mask for each instance.

The mask branch uses a pixel-to-pixel alignment mechanism, often implemented with spatially aligned RoI pooling, to ensure accurate correspondence between the proposed region and the generated mask. The final output is a set of bounding boxes, class labels, and pixel-level masks for each detected object in an image.

Advantages of Mask R-CNN

  • Precise Instance Segmentation: Mask R-CNN excels at providing accurate pixel-level segmentation masks for each detected object.
  • Versatility: It can handle multiple tasks in a single framework.
  • Region Proposal Network (RPN): By incorporating an RPN, Mask R-CNN efficiently generates region proposals, allowing it to focus on relevant regions and significantly reducing the computational load compared to exhaustive scanning approaches.
  • Flexible Architecture
  • State-of-the-Art Performance: Mask R-CNN consistently achieves state-of-the-art results in instance segmentation benchmarks.

Disadvantages of Mask R-CNN

  • Computational Intensity: The mask prediction branch increases the computational load.
  • Resource Requirements: Mask R-CNN typically requires substantial computing resources like GPUs.
  • Data Annotation Challenges: Labor-intensive and challenging to create for certain domains.
  • Limited Real-Time Applications: Despite its accuracy, Mask R-CNN might not be suitable for real-time applications with strict latency requirements.

 Applications of Mask R-CNN

Due to its additional capability to generate segmented masks, it is used in many computer vision applications such as:

  • Human Pose Estimation
  • Self Driving Car
  • Drone Image Mapping etc.

Mask R-CNN | ML

The article provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution from basic Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to the sophisticated Mask R-CNN, exploring the iterative improvements in object detection, instance segmentation, and the challenges and advantages associated with each model.

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Mask R-CNN – FAQs

Q. What is mask R-CNN used for?...