What is Microsoft Edge’s password generator?

Password generator in Microsoft Edge will automatically generate strong passwords each time you need a new password like when you are creating an account on some website. Also, it stores the generated password and fills it automatically when you need it. This function is synced across all of your devices, so these passwords will be available on all your devices. It is also completely safe because the stored password is encrypted and nobody can access it.

The below picture shows the working of the password generator in Microsoft Edge. You can see that it is automatically generating a strong password for the user.

Password generator in action

It is very useful as it generates and stores strong passwords keeping our accounts safe. People often use the same, simple passwords for multiple accounts which is regarded as an unsafe practice as hackers can easily find such passwords. So, you can enable the password generator in the Edge browser to keep strong passwords for your account. And if you are using any other password manager or if you don’t want to use Edge’s password generator you can easily disable it.

How to enable or disable password generator in Microsoft Edge?

Microsoft Edge is the new modern-age web browser from Microsoft Corporation which comes as a replacement for Internet Explorer. In its earlier stages, it was only available for Windows, but later Microsoft released the Edge browser for other platforms as well. And now it is available in Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, and IOS. Currently, it is the third most used browser in the world.

Microsoft Edge is also one of the feature-rich web browsers available today. It boasts several features that enhance our browsing experience. Many of its features are unknown to most of its users as they are hidden in some corners of its settings.

Table of Content

  • What is Microsoft Edge’s password generator?
  • How to enable or disable the password generator in Microsoft Edge?
  • Enabling password generator
  • Disabling password generator
  • Conclusion

One such feature is the Password generator which helps users to generate strong passwords. In this article, we will discover how to enable or disable the password generator in the Microsoft Edge browser.

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What is Microsoft Edge’s password generator?

Password generator in Microsoft Edge will automatically generate strong passwords each time you need a new password like when you are creating an account on some website. Also, it stores the generated password and fills it automatically when you need it. This function is synced across all of your devices, so these passwords will be available on all your devices. It is also completely safe because the stored password is encrypted and nobody can access it....

How to enable or disable the password generator in Microsoft Edge?

The option to enable or disable the password generator in Microsoft Edge is present in the password section in the settings of the Edge browser. The step-by-step procedure to do the same is given below....

Enabling password generator

Click on “Suggest strong passwords” when it is turned off to enable the password generator....

Disabling password generator

Click on “Suggest strong passwords” when it is turned on to disable the password generator...


Microsoft Edge is improving day by day by adding new features and improving security. The password generator is a great feature to have as it helps users use strong passwords without the hassle of remembering them. And the cherry on the cake is that it is integrated so neatly within the browser that users can easily access it. Hope the article was insightful for you and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments....