What is NA?

NA stands for Not Available. These NAs are found with empty spaces or with a symbol NA which represents unavailable data points in the datasets. At the time of transferring a large amount of the data, can find NAs or missing values. These NAs are a very common issue in data preprocessing. To deal with NAs R provides some in-built functions such as an. omit(), complete.cases(), drop_na(), can avoid the NAs.

Replace NAs with specified values

In this article, we will examine various methods to replace NAs with specified values in the R programming language.

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What is NA?

NA stands for Not Available. These NAs are found with empty spaces or with a symbol NA which represents unavailable data points in the datasets. At the time of transferring a large amount of the data, can find NAs or missing values. These NAs are a very common issue in data preprocessing. To deal with NAs R provides some in-built functions such as an. omit(), complete.cases(), drop_na(), can avoid the NAs....

How do we replace NAs?

Replace NAs indicates, assigning the NAs with specific data such as integers, strings, float, and other types of data. So, these NAs can have the ability to accept data of any type. Replacing NAs with specific values is a crucial step in data preprocessing. Some of the methods to replace NAs are:...


In this article , we learned two different methods to replace NAs by using the functions is.na() and replace(). So R language provides many in-built functions to replace NAs with specific values....