What is Origin in FastAPI?

An origin is basically the combination of the protocol, domain, and port on which the application is running. So for two urls even if one of the three combinations is different those urls will said to be of a different origin. The following URLs are all said to be of a different origin:




Configuring CORS in FastAPI

In this article, we are going to see what is an Origin, what is CORS, and how CORS can be used to enable different origins to access and share resources. We will see why the CORS issue occurs when the frontend and backend is present in different origin and how the browser sends a request to the server.

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What is Origin in FastAPI?

An origin is basically the combination of the protocol, domain, and port on which the application is running. So for two urls even if one of the three combinations is different those urls will said to be of a different origin. The following URLs are all said to be of a different origin:...

What is CORS in FastAPI?

CORS stands for cross-origin resource sharing. It is a mechanism that allows different origins to access and share resources. Browsers enforce the same origin policy which means you can only send requests to the origin from which you are generated, but in modern applications, different origin needs to share resources. For this CORS is used which allows a standardized way to specify which origins are allowed to access the resources....