What is Part of Speech?

The English language has thousands of words and every word has some function to perform. Some words are there to show action, some to join, and some to name something. There are 8 different parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunction, and interjection. And together, all the functions performed by words in the English language fall under Parts of speech.           

Parts of Speech Definition

The parts of speech are the “traditional grammatical categories to which words are assigned in accordance with their syntactic functions, such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and so on.” In other words, they refer to the different roles that words can play in a sentence and how they relate to one another based on grammar and syntax.

Parts of Speech: Definitions, Examples & 8 Types

Every word is a part of speech playing a specific role in sentences or paragraphs. Parts of speech provide an organized way to align words and phrases, it is a fundamental meaning for a language to become more understandable and serve a specific purpose. Here, in this article, we will see what is Part of Speech, its types, and its uses. So let us dive in deeper to learn more about it!

Table of Content

  • What is Part of Speech?
  • Parts of Speech Chart
  • Different Types of Parts of Speech :
  • Parts of Speech Examples Using Sentences
  • Quiz to practice Parts of Speech 
  • Parts of Speech – FAQs

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The English language has thousands of words and every word has some function to perform. Some words are there to show action, some to join, and some to name something. There are 8 different parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunction, and interjection. And together, all the functions performed by words in the English language fall under Parts of speech....

Parts of Speech Chart

Types Function Examples Sentences Noun Refers to Things or person Pen, Chair, Ram, Honesty Cars are expensive. This chair is made of wood. Ram is a topper. Honesty is the best policy. Pronoun Replaces a noun I, you, he, she, it, they They are expensive. It is of wood. He is a topper. It is the best policy Adjective Describes a noun Super, Red, Our, Big, Great class Supercars are expensive The red chair is for kids Ram is a class topper. Great things take time. Verb Describes action or state Play, be, work, love, like I play football I will be a doctor I like to work I love writing poems. Adverb Describes a verb, adjective or adverb Silently, too, very I love reading silently. It is too tough to handle. He can speak very fast. Preposition Links a noun to another word at, in, of, after, under, The ball is under the table. I am at a restaurant. she is in trouble. I am going after her. It is so nice of him Conjunction Joins clauses and sentences and, but, though, after First, I will go to college and then I may go to Fest. I don’t have a car but I know how to drive. She failed the exam though she worked hard. He will come after he finishes his match.  Interjection Shows exclamation oh! wow!, alas! Hurray! Oh! I got fail again. Wow! I got the job. Alas! She is no more. Hurray! We are going to a party....

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Parts of Speech Exercise – Test your Knowledge of Part of speech

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Parts of Speech – FAQs

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