What is Power Electronics?

It comes under the category of electrical engineering which deals with the operations of high voltages (V) and currents (I) to deliver power (P = V . I ) which supports a variety of global needs. Precise control and efficiency are the main important characteristics of power electronics applications. The study of Power electronics is multidisciplinary and involves semiconductors, control systems, electromagnetic devices, electrical motors, and so on.

Applications of Power Electronics

Power Electronics has penetrated almost all fields. This trend is always ever-increasing, especially with the present trends and tools of new devices and integrated designs of power semiconductor devices and controllers. The study of Power electronics involves the processing of electric power for various uses and also provides a wide range of applications ranging from a few watts to megawatts. The ease of manufacturing has also led to the availability of these devices in a vast range of ratings and gradually has appeared in high voltage.

The day is not far when all of the electrical energy in the world will pass through power electronics systems. Power electronics components and systems allow stakeholders to develop more energy-efficient power electronic systems that make important contributions to reducing global energy consumption and emissions. Every day average of 15 billion kilowatts per hour of power which is more than 85 % of power generated is converted or processed by some other power electronic appliances.

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What is Power Electronics?

It comes under the category of electrical engineering which deals with the operations of high voltages (V) and currents (I) to deliver power (P = V . I ) which supports a variety of global needs. Precise control and efficiency are the main important characteristics of power electronics applications. The study of Power electronics is multidisciplinary and involves semiconductors, control systems, electromagnetic devices, electrical motors, and so on....

Applications of Power Electronics

The applications of Power electronics range from household electronics to space applications in which these areas all need reliable and continuous electrical power with desired specifications the main thing here to note is Power supply by using power semiconductor that switches and control any mechanisms to any other form by supplying a controlled power it falls under the law of conservation of energy....


Well in this article we have gone through power electronics which is a combination of power circuits mixed with the low-level of signal electronic circuits to meet those ever fluctuating electric power demands. From a simple regulator in your home to the traction type circuits in various industries, we can able to find a wide range of applications of power electronics in every field. With some current trends in renewable energy. power electronics is not only the present but also the future of electrical and electronics engineering across the globe....

FAQs on Applications of Power Electronics

Q.1: Give some examples of Power electronics....