What is Proxy Authentication?

Proxy authentication involves the process of gaining access to a specific resource behind a proxy server. The HTTP proxy authenticate response header defines it as a method used to access a resource available behind a proxy. In proxy authentication, requests are made to the proxy server, and upon successful authentication, the proxy server allows the transmission of the request to access the desired resource.

  1. When dealing with data that requires user credentials or logging in, it falls under the category of proxy authentication.
  2. Once proxy authentication is completed, the proxy server forwards the request, granting access to the data or account information.
  3. The Selenium WebDriver can be used to handle proxy authentication seamlessly, enabling the automation of tasks involving authenticated access to resources.

How does Selenium Webdriver Handle Proxy Authentication?

Selenium is an open-source tool that provides us with the libraries that are used for browser automation the selenium browser allows us to test different functionalities in our website, thus the Selenium web driver comes very handy in day life if we are regularly testing web applications or doing automation tasks.

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What is Proxy Authentication?

Proxy authentication involves the process of gaining access to a specific resource behind a proxy server. The HTTP proxy authenticate response header defines it as a method used to access a resource available behind a proxy. In proxy authentication, requests are made to the proxy server, and upon successful authentication, the proxy server allows the transmission of the request to access the desired resource....



Steps to handle Proxy Authentication using Selenium Webdriver


