What is Shannon’s Channel Capacity?

In the 1940s, Claude Shannon Developed the Channel Capacity using the Concept of Nyquist and Hartley. He called this the channel capacity Theorem.

The Shannon’s Capacity theorem states that

Shannon’s Channel Capacity theorem States that the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted over a communication channel of a specified bandwidth in the presence of noise.

In simple terms, Shannon’s channel capacity tells us the theoretical highest limit in which any channel can transmit signals with the presence of noise. It tells us about any channel’s capacity and its limitations. Shannon’s channel capacity theorem is a fundamental concept in Digital Signals, It can tell us about the upper bound of any channel.

Let us understand this theorem with the help of a diagram.

Shannon’s Limit

In this diagram, the signal reaching from point 0-10, 0-20 has a theoretical limit beyond which it may encounter several errors, data loss or packet loss. Shannon theorem has helped us derived this theoretical limit, Also this signal can be produced with noise, because noiseless communication is expensive. Such communication will not disrupt the signal in any way, this is also another advantages of shannon theorem.

History of Shannon’s Channel Capacity Theorem

The shannon capacity theorem is a part of a bigger model of communication known as the Shannon-Weaver (or Shannon-Hartley) model of communication, It was created by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in the late 1940s which helped communication engineers perform their job more efficiently. This model was based on the Shannon’s concept of channel capacity, which we have learned in this article tells us about the capacity of any channel to withstand noise in a signal.

Shannon greatly increased the understanding of data communication after deriving this theorem for us. For years, sending data was stuck at a maximum rate of 9.6 kilobits per second and we tried increasing that rate a number of errors would occur in the data.

Some common terms related to Shannon Capacity

  • Channel: A channel is a medium used to transmit signals, data or any information.
  • Noise: A noise is any unwanted signal which can negatively impact the quality of any transmission.
  • Shannon’s limit: Shannon’s limit is a theoretical limit which tells us the maximum capacity for a signal to be transmitted through a channel.

Shannon Capacity

In this article, we will be discussing the Shannon capacity theorem. Shannon Capacity or Shannon’s Channel Capacity theorem is a widely used theorem used in digital signal processing. This theorem helps in deciding the capacity of any noise-transmitting channel. It is very helpful in digital signals. In this article, we will learn about the Shannon capacity theorem, its formula, diagram, applications and full explanation.

Table of Content

  • Shannon’s Channel Capacity
  • Statement of the Theorem
  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

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