What is Sound?

Sound is a type of energy generated by vibrating objects and propagated as a wave across a medium such as air, water, or solids. It is perceived by the human ear and processed by the brain into auditory sensations.

Types of Sound

  • There are different types of sound like audible, inaudible, pleasant, and unpleasant.
  • The waves which frequency ranges below 16Hz are called infrasonic waves. These waves are used for the detection of an earthquake, volcanic eruption, petrol formations underground, etc.
  • Whereas, the waves which frequency ranges above 20kHz are called ultrasonic waves. These waves are used by some animals to locate their prey and communicate like bats, etc.
  • The waves having a frequency between 16Hz to 20kHz are audible to humans.

Production and Propagation of Sound

Have you ever wonder how are we able to hear different sounds produced around us. How are these sounds produced? Or how a single instrument can produce a wide variety of sounds? Also, why do astronauts communicate in sign languages in outer space? A sound is a form of energy that helps in hearing to living beings. It is a form of kinetic mechanical energy which moves in a form of a wave.  The sound waves show vibrational motion. Hertz (Hz) and  Decibel (dB) are widely used measurement units to measure sound.

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