What is the Directive Principle of State Policy?

The Indian Constitution imposes certain Directive Principles of State Policy, is the fundamental in the governance of the country and the duty of the State is to apply these principles in making laws. It means that the State will strive to promote the well- beings by protecting it effectively.

The State must direct its policies in such a manner that protect the right of all men and women to the means of support, equal pay-scale, equal opportunity within limits of its economic capacity and development. The State must also aspire to secure to its workers, Human resources, standard of life, and the management of workers.

Directive Principles of State Policy – Classification

  1. Principle of Social and Economic Justice
  2. Principle of Social Security Provisions
  3. Principle of Community Welfare Provisions

1. Principle of Social and Economic Justice: The Principle which make sure that The State must strive to minimize inequalities in income and status, facilities, and opportunities. Articles 38 & 39 come under this classification. Article 38 about securing a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people. Whereas Article 39 is about :

  • Every citizen has the right to adequate means of livelihood.
  • Control of material resources of community & ownership must be originated in common good nature.
  • Operation of the economic system does not result in a concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment.
  • There is equal pay for equal work for both men and women.
  • Health and strength of workers, men, and women, and the tender age of children are not abused, and citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength.
  • Children are given the opportunity to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and moral or material abandonment.

2. Principle of Social Security Provisions:

Following Directive Principles come under this category:

  • Equal justice and free legal aid (Article 39-A, inserted by 42nd Constitution Amendment Act,1976).
  • The state should give the right to education, employment (Article 41).
  • Just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief (Article 42).
  • Provides Living wage, remuneration, and other economical facilities for workers (Article 43).
  • Participation of workers in the management of industries (Article 43-A).
  • Promotion of co-operative societies (Article 43-B Inserted by 97th Constitution Amendment, 2011).
  • Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years. (Article 45).
  • Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other weaker sections (Article 46).
  • Duty raises the level of nutrition and the standard of living and improves public health (Article 47).

3. Principle of Community Welfare Provisions:

Following Directive Principles come under this category:

  • Organization of village panchayats (Article 40).
  • Uniform Civil Code for citizens (Article 44).
  • Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry (Article 48).
  • Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding forests and wildlife (Article 48-A).
  • Protection of monuments and other national importance things, places, etc (Article 49).
  • Judiciary separated from the executive (Article 50).
  • The state must Promote international peace and security (Article 51).

Directive Principles of State Policy

Directive Principles of State Policy aims to create social and economic conditions under which citizens can live a good standard of life. Directive Principle of state policy is the ideology of the Irish Constitution. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policies (DPSP) is borrowed from Article 45 of the Irish Constitution.

In Part IV of the Indian Constitution (Article 36–51), Directive Principles of state policies (DPSP) are mentioned. Article – 37 of the Indian Constitution deals with the application of the Directive Principles.

But In this article, we will be covering What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?

Directive Principles of State Policy

Table of Content

  • What is the Directive Principle of State Policy?
  • Important Directive Principles
  • Criticism of Directive Principles of State Policy
  • FAQS on Directive Principle of State Policy

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