What is the HTTP 416 Error and What Causes It?

The HTTP 416 error also as Range Not Satisfiable occurs if some particular request of your browser trying to access just a portion of a resource on a server cannot be met. Suppose that you are downloading a large video file and then instructing your browser to download only a specific section (a range) of the video. However, there is an issue with the server and it fails to deliver that exact portion. Consequently, the 416 message appears.


  • Invalid Range Requests: When the client, typically your browser, requests a range of data that falls outside the boundaries of the actual resource or exceeds its total size. Imagine requesting bytes 1000-2000 of a 500-byte file – it simply wouldn’t be possible.
  • Server Configuration Issues: The server might be configured to restrict the types of resources that can be accessed in parts. Any attempt to request a range outside those limitations would trigger a 416 error.
  • Resource Unavailability: If the requested resource itself is unavailable or non-existent on the server, and a partial request is made, the server might respond with a 416 error.
  • Faulty Client Requests: In rare instances, the error might originate from an incorrect header or malformed request sent by your browser.
  • Server Overload or Outage: In very rare cases, the HTTP 416 error is possible if the server experiencing a temporary overload or outage. In such cases where the server is overloaded with requests or fails to function normally, it might not be able to fully satisfy range requests as required resulting in this error.
  • Excessive Requests: While less likely for individual users, a sudden increase in requests within a short period of time may come about because of automated scripts or bots, and so render effective handling of range requests by the servers impossible.

What is HTTP 416 Error and How To Fix it

Have you ever stumbled upon a confusing “HTTP 416 Error” while browsing the internet? This technical code can be really puzzling, leaving you wondering what has happened and how to fix it.

Don’t worry, this guide will help you to acquire the necessary knowledge and steps to defeat HTTP 416 error and return to your online activities.

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What is the HTTP 416 Error and What Causes It?

The HTTP 416 error also as Range Not Satisfiable occurs if some particular request of your browser trying to access just a portion of a resource on a server cannot be met. Suppose that you are downloading a large video file and then instructing your browser to download only a specific section (a range) of the video. However, there is an issue with the server and it fails to deliver that exact portion. Consequently, the 416 message appears....

How To Fix the HTTP 416 Error(Range Not Satisfiable)

1. Refresh the Page...


In conclusion, when a browser requests a specific part of a resource that is impossible to deliver by a server, this results in the error “HTTP 416 Range Not Satisfiable.” To fix it try refreshing the page clearing the browser cache or checking the Apache error log for further examination. If not then maybe disable range requesting or seek assistance from your hosting provider. To know why it happens; following these steps will help you resolve the issue quickly and continue browsing as usual over the internet....