What is the Risk of Amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis is a safe and painless procedure but this procedure has some risks also:

  • Miscarriages: Amniocentesis can cause miscarriage but nowadays the chance is low. Miscarriage mainly occurs when any blood vessel of the foetus is cut by the needle that is used for amniocentesis. Miscarriage can also be caused due to damage or rupture of the membrane and due to any infection. To avoid such infections, the skin of the patient’s abdomen must be cleaned properly. Sometimes after the amniocentesis procedure, miscarriage can happen without any proper reason.
  • Injuries: The foetus can be injured by the long needle. But nowadays, this is very rare because the entire procedure is done with the help of ultrasound imaging.
  • Pain: Though it is almost a painless procedure, some patients have experienced pain like menstrual cramping.
  • Leaking of Amniotic Fluid: Sometimes leaking of amniotic fluid can be seen from the operating site or the vagina. Sometimes, preterm labour can be seen after this procedure.

What is Amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis is a technique used to gather amniotic fluid from the uterus during pregnancy to diagnose genetic disorders and fetal abnormalities. It is a prenatal diagnostic procedure which collects the foetal cell from the amniotic fluid to examine and identify chromosomal abnormalities or any disease of the baby. In this article, we will look into the Amniocentesis meaning, the reasons to performing Amniocentesis and its procedure, along with the risk associated with Amniocentesis.

Table of Content

  • What is Amniocentesis?
  • Amniocentesis Diagram
  • Why is Amniocentesis Performed?
  • Who Needs Amniocentesis?
  • How is Amniocentesis Performed?
  • What is the Risk of Amniocentesis?
  • Care After Amniocentesis
  • Why is Amniocentesis Banned in India?

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Conclusion – Amniocentesis

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