What is WebElement?

WebElement depicts distinct web page features like buttons, dropdown menus, input areas, links, and more. Elements on the page are returned as WebElement objects when interacting with them using Selenium WebDriver. Developers can interact and operate with the related elements by using the methods and properties provided by these objects. You can click on WebElements, type text into them, retrieve attribute values, check their visibility, and confirm that they are there on the page. To precisely manipulate and interact with a web application’s elements during testing, scraping, or other automation operations, it is essential to do web automation chores.

Difference Between WebDriver and Web Element?

Although WebDriver helps with browser control and navigation, WebElements are the building blocks of automated test scripts that help find and interact with specific elements within web pages.

Table of Content

  • What is WebDriver?
  • What is WebElement?
  • Methods of WebDriver and WebElement
  • Difference between WebDriver and WebElement
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Understanding their functions and tasks is essential for efficient web automation testing and guaranteeing the resilience and dependability of online applications.

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What is WebDriver?

WebDriver is a web automation framework made to make working with online applications and automated testing easier. With its programmable interface, web browsers may be controlled by developers to perform many activities like opening URLs, interacting with web elements (such as buttons and forms), controlling windows and notifications, and running JavaScript. WebDriver offers flexibility and diversity in automated testing scenarios by supporting numerous programming languages and operating on a variety of browsers and systems. It is an effective tool for online scraping, software testing, and other web automation chores because of its robust API and testing framework integration features....

What is WebElement?

WebElement depicts distinct web page features like buttons, dropdown menus, input areas, links, and more. Elements on the page are returned as WebElement objects when interacting with them using Selenium WebDriver. Developers can interact and operate with the related elements by using the methods and properties provided by these objects. You can click on WebElements, type text into them, retrieve attribute values, check their visibility, and confirm that they are there on the page. To precisely manipulate and interact with a web application’s elements during testing, scraping, or other automation operations, it is essential to do web automation chores....

Methods of WebDriver and WebElement

1. WebDriver Methods:...

Difference between WebDriver and WebElement

Parameters WebDriver WebElement Scope WebDriver manages the whole browser window or tab while operating at the browser level. It can navigate across windows or frames in various browsers. WebElement represents individual web page elements and functions at the element level. It can locate elements inside the frame or iframe context, or it can search within the current page itself. Methods WebDriver has functions for navigating around browsers (get, navigate), managing windows (switchTo, getWindowHandle), interacting with elements (findElement, findElements), and controlling execution (close, quit). WebElement provides various methods to interact with elements, including isSelected, isEnabled, click, sendKeys, getText, and getAttribute. Locating Element WebDriver has methods like findElement and findElements for locating elements on a web page. To find elements, it makes use of locators such as ID, name, class name, CSS selectors, XPath, etc. A page’s location element is represented by a WebElement. It can be found and then utilized to carry out operations such as typing or clicking. Error Handling Errors about browser initialization, navigation, timeouts, and exceptions are handled by WebDriver at the browser level. Errors pertaining to element interaction, including “element not found,” “not clickable,” “stale element reference,” etc., are handled by WebElement. Lifecycle Usually, a WebDriver instance is created only once at the start of the test and is utilized continuously. When a test is running, WebElement objects are produced dynamically to represent particular page elements....


WebElement is used to interact with specific elements on a web page, whereas WebDriver handles browser management and navigation. Whereas WebElement functions at the element level and offers ways to interact with specific elements, WebDriver functions at the browser level. Important parts of Selenium automation testing for web applications are WebDriver and WebElement....


Q.1 Is it possible to use WebDriver and WebElement interchangeably?...