When I enrolled in an offline Java batch

So after that, I agreed to join the offline classes and I think that was the right decision for me I was part of the J14 batch. in the beginning, the instructor looked very young and did not look like an experienced professor. but after that, he starts with the basics like what a is computer what is computer programming and why we use Java. and he used some of the real-world examples which worked for me because I could connect with them and I understood the whole concept. and admire the way he teaches in a very humorous way. again time goes and I enjoy to learn Java but suddenly my second-semester exams started and stop focusing on my coating stuff I just took a 1-month break from the coating because of my semester exams then after a month when again went to the coating I did not understand the concepts because I missed so many classes and feel depressed so I told everything to my instructor and he is very kind he just told me we can enrol you in the next batch J16 where you can cover the topics you missed and again I am happy for it.

Sheryins Coding School Experience For Java

When I was in my first year I heard from my seniors that if you wanted to be placed in a high package you need to be good at problem-solving. and firstly you need to choose a programming language and then after that, you need to understand the concepts of DSA. at that time I did not know much about it so I asked my senior which language should I choose they suggested me you can start with Java I marked their words and started learning Java online but as a beginner, I didn’t understand because my basics are not clear at that time although our college is teaching about the c++ but still I am not getting the stuff what is going on so I again go to my seniors told him what kind of things are happened with me he suggest me to join the offline batches of java at sheryins coding school. because if you attend online classes you feel comfortable with the language and if your fundamentals are strong you can easily grab the opportunities.

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When I enrolled in an offline Java batch

So after that, I agreed to join the offline classes and I think that was the right decision for me I was part of the J14 batch. in the beginning, the instructor looked very young and did not look like an experienced professor. but after that, he starts with the basics like what a is computer what is computer programming and why we use Java. and he used some of the real-world examples which worked for me because I could connect with them and I understood the whole concept. and admire the way he teaches in a very humorous way. again time goes and I enjoy to learn Java but suddenly my second-semester exams started and stop focusing on my coating stuff I just took a 1-month break from the coating because of my semester exams then after a month when again went to the coating I did not understand the concepts because I missed so many classes and feel depressed so I told everything to my instructor and he is very kind he just told me we can enrol you in the next batch J16 where you can cover the topics you missed and again I am happy for it....

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