When to use Apple’s MVC Architecture

  • Use Apple’s MVC when you’re developing an iOS app. It’s the default architecture recommended by Apple for building apps on their platform.
  • If you’re comfortable working within the iOS development ecosystem and want a structure that aligns with Apple’s guidelines, Apple’s MVC is a straightforward and effective choice.
  • It works well for a wide range of iOS applications, from simple utilities to more complex applications.

Architecture for Mobile Development | Design Patterns

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Ever wonder what makes your favorite mobile apps so smooth and user-friendly? Well, the secret lies in their architecture – the behind-the-scenes structure that turns code into the awesome apps we can’t live without.

Important Topics for Mobile Development Architecture

  • Classic MVC or MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture
  • When to use Classic MVC Architecture
  • Apple’s MVC Architecture
  • When to use Apple’s MVC Architecture
  • MVMM (Model-View-View-Model) Architecture
  • When to use MVVM Architecture
  • VIPER (View Interactor Presenter Entity Router) Architecture
  • When to use VIPER Architecture
  • Conclusion

Imagine you’re building your dream house. You wouldn’t just start putting things together randomly, right? You’d need a smart plan, like a blueprint, to make sure everything fits and works well. Well, the same goes for making apps, especially the ones you love on your phone.

In the big world of making apps, it’s a bit like building a house people want to live in. And right in the middle of all this is the plan – the fancy term for it is architecture. It’s like the secret recipe that turns your idea into a smooth and working app.

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Classic MVC or MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture


When to use Classic MVC Architecture

Use Classic MVC when your app is not too big or too small – it’s like the Goldilocks choice for moderate-sized projects. If you want a clear separation between how data is handled (Model), how it’s shown to the user (View), and how the user interacts with it (Controller), then Classic MVC is a good fit. It’s a balanced approach that works well for many different types of applications....

Apple’s MVC Architecture

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When to use Apple’s MVC Architecture

Use Apple’s MVC when you’re developing an iOS app. It’s the default architecture recommended by Apple for building apps on their platform. If you’re comfortable working within the iOS development ecosystem and want a structure that aligns with Apple’s guidelines, Apple’s MVC is a straightforward and effective choice. It works well for a wide range of iOS applications, from simple utilities to more complex applications....

MVMM (Model-View-View-Model) Architecture


When to use MVVM Architecture

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VIPER (View Interactor Presenter Entity Router) Architecture


When to use VIPER Architecture

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Choosing the right architecture for your mobile app is a critical decision that can significantly impact the development process and the long-term maintainability of your application. Each architecture has its strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on the specific requirements of your project....