When To Use Virtual Machine?

Virtual Machines are becoming essential in many scenarios because of its flexibility and enhanced functionality. Some of the key situations that Virtualization can be used for effective optimized workflows are listed here:

Cross Platform Softwares: Virtualization Tehnology can be used for streamlined applications and websites testing across various platforms as an efficient solution. It allows the developers to work on with various operating systems ensuring compatibility and functionality across different environments.

Malware Safety: These Virtual Machines usage are efficient particularly where isolating potential malware threats from the system. On Running the Applications on Isolated virtual Environment provides secured network from primary system risks.

System Clone: Virtualization facilitates seamless transfer of system files to another computer. VM provides the system clones for for ensuring a smooth transition to load your entire system onto a different machine with raising compatibility issues. It is a effective solution for efficient system migration and replication of file systems.

How Is Docker Different From A Virtual Machine?

In the growing world of technologies, Docker and Virtual Machines (VMs) have emerged as go-to solutions for application development and deployment in IT industries. Both VMs and docker containers help you to clone the development environment, which helps you to manage dependencies and configurations better over your primary Operating System. But there are some differences you should be aware of that will help you choose a VM or a Docker container depending on the application.

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What Is A Virtual Machine (VM)?

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How Does A Virtual Machine Work?

A piece of software called a hypervisor, or Virtual Machine manager lets you run different operating systems on different virtual machines at the same time. You can have multiple VMs, each running a different application on a different operating system....

When To Use Virtual Machine?

Virtual Machines are becoming essential in many scenarios because of its flexibility and enhanced functionality. Some of the key situations that Virtualization can be used for effective optimized workflows are listed here:...

What is Docker?

Docker is a set of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Docker containers are analogous to physical containers that you use to store, package, and transport goods. But instead of these goods, they’re containers for software applications....

How Does Docker Work?

Unlike a VM, Docker does not use hypervisor, rather it runs on top of the host operating system facilitated by a docker engine....

When To Use Docker?

Microservices: Usage of Docker containers will be effective in Microservices Architecture breaking down the Single Application into smaller applications and deploying as docker containers brings flexibility, scalability and efficient resource utilization in a microservice environment....

Similarities of Docker and VM

Isolation: In both the Docker and Virtual Machines, One application can not interfer with another application, even if they are running on the same server. Portability: You can move an application from one server to another without reconfiguring it. Also you can share images of your application with anyone. Efficiency: They both uses less resources of your OS, also isloate themselves removing in overlaping of data between multiple systems. Scalability: You can easily change amount resources of given to an application according to your needs....

Difference Between Docker And VM

Docker Virtual Machine Size Less: Containers share your OS kernel, eliminating the use of a separate OS instance for each container. This shared kernel reduces the container size. More: Each instance includes a full operating system, with its kernel. This duplication can result in larger VM sizes. Isolation Moderate: They have their own file system, but they share your OS kernel resulting in a moderate level of isolation. Full: It gives stronger isolation by running separate OS, which makes them suitable for a higher level of isolation. Security Less: They are suitable if light isolation is acceptable and rapid development is necessary. More: They are suitable if full isolation from the host is required and the application needs to be run on different operating systems. Performance High: Containers share the host OS kernel, giving faster startup times, usually measured in seconds. Low: VMs have a sepearte OS for every instance, giving slower startup times, usually measured in minutes. Replicability Easy: You can easily pull Docker images from Docker Hub as they are available publically. The size of images is significantly smaller compared to VMs, usually in MBs. Difficult: Difficult to replicate, especially with an increasing number of VM instances. Also, the size of VM images is generally larger compared to Docker, usually in GBs. Resource usage Less: Containers offer efficient hardware resources because of the small image size and shared host OS kernel. More: It requires more storage space, and more CPU power as it creates a fully isolated OS inside a Host OS using a hypervisor. Operating System Works best with Linux distributions. All operating systems. Portability High: As containers encapsulate dependencies and applications to form an image of smaller size compared to VM image. Low: It encapsulates the entire OS, offering portability, but the larger size and dependence on specific hypervisors decrease in portability....


In comparison of Docker and Virtual Machines, we can conclude that Docker is good for rapid development and excellent portability between developers and testers, resulting efficient software development. About VM if you want fully isolated system, we can use VMs for production and testing applications on various operating systems, it offers several advantages over Docker containers....

Docker And Virtualization – FAQs

When Should I Choose A Virtual Machine Over Docker?...