Why Choose MongoDB Over SQL




Data Format

Tabular (Rows and Columns)

Document-based (JSON-like Documents)

Query Language

Structured Query Language (SQL)

JavaScript-like Queries


Fixed Schema (Structured)

Flexible Schema (Unstructured/Semi Structured)


Relationships defined using Foreign Keys

Relationships embedded or referenced


Vertical Scaling (Adding more resources)

Horizontal Scaling (Sharding)


ACID Transactions

Multi-document Transactions (within a shard)


Well-suited for complex queries

Better performance for simple queries


Performance can be impacted by complexity

High performance for simple queries

Hence, MongoDB overcomes the common challenges faced in terms of reliability, flexibility, scalling and performance over MySQL.

How to Migrate a Microservice from MySQL to MongoDB

Migrating from MySQL to MongoDB is a strategic decision that can unlock new possibilities for your database infrastructure. MongoDB’s document-based approach offers flexibility and scalability, enabling us to store and manage data more efficiently.

Before doing this migration journey, we must careful planning and consideration of key factors are essential. Understanding the differences between MySQL and MongoDB in terms of data format, query language, schema, and scalability is crucial for a successful migration.

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Why Choose MongoDB Over SQL


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Code Scripting Approach

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Overall, migrating a microservice from MySQL to MongoDB is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and testing. By following the steps outlined in this guide, including schema analysis, data transformation, and code adjustments, you can successfully transition to MongoDB and take advantage of its flexible document-based architecture. It’s important to validate and test your MongoDB database thoroughly to ensure that it meets your performance and functionality requirements. Additionally, consider partial migration to minimize downtime and address any existing issues in your application code. With proper preparation and execution, you can achieve a successful migration to MongoDB and leverage its capabilities for your microservice...