Why Competitive Programming and Web Development Together?

If you are starting or already good at competitive programming or doing Web development, you should do both because it has several advantages, so let’s discuss some of them and find out why you should do both:

  1. High-Paying Jobs: Every company nowadays is looking for ideal and experienced candidates having good problem-solving skills and some project experience or internships, so as a fresher you should be good at both problem-solving skills and should have good real-life-based live projects in your resume. That is why you should have knowledge of both CP and web Development. Because if you want good pay then you should provide great skills or services to the employer.
  2. Portfolio Diversity: Doing both will help you build a good and diversified portfolio. It will help you get your resume shortlisted over other candidates. Let’s say you have done only one thing, so if you have done only CP, the interviewer may reject your resume because you don’t have practical knowledge, and if you have done only Development they can reject you for not having problem-solving skills. So having a balance and exposure to both will give you the advantage.
  3. Full Stack Development: If you want to be a full stack developer then you should have knowledge of the backend and in there, you have to write logic to optimize the code that will lead to cost reduction, if you have done competitive programming then it will help you build great logics because that is what competitive Programming is all about.
  4. Wide range of Skills: When you have different skills then it is easy to collaborate with different teams and it will increase your learning agility and boost your confidence, also it will create your demand in the market. If you know front-end and are a good Competitive Programmer then it is easy for you to catch up while learning back-end technologies due to good logic building in CP.

You can use these skills more effectively and efficiently whenever necessary and your capabilities of doing things will increase. When you know why you should learn both, Now it’s time to see How to do it effectively.

How to Focus on Competitive Programming and Web Development Together?

I am 6 Star Coder!
I am 5 Star Coder! Can I crack SDE job by doing CP only?

But I don’t know about web development?

You have heard these lines from your friends….. or you are facing the same situation.

Learning new technology is always exciting and challenging at the same time. Adding new skills is always a Plus point for a candidate, and learning a most demanding technology would be the cherry on the cake. Even after being good at problem-solving or competitive programming, it is equally important for a candidate to have experience in projects and vice-versa to gain an advantage over other candidates. Companies do multiple interview rounds to check a candidate’s DSA and project knowledge.

Since Web Development is an ever-growing and interesting field to explore and has a large community, a candidate can make projects in it and there is no secret about how important are Problem-solving and logic-building skills. In this article, we will discuss how can you do Competitive Programming and Web Development together. But before directly jumping onto that let’s first discuss what is Competitive programming and Web Development.

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Why Competitive Programming and Web Development Together?

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To get a good placement or to create your demand in the industry it is crucial to keep updated with technology like web Development and to be good at problem-solving skills. Learning them together will give you exposure to Managing consistency and hard work will be the key to get success in this. It has many advantages like portfolio building and getting good jobs as we discussed above. Just remember a few things don’t mess up and take one step at a time according to your schedule. Some days you will feel out of place and get confused about concepts but remember with consistency you will get through it all....

Competitive Programming and Web Development Together FAQs

1. How to Do CP and Web Development Together?...