Why Do We Need Many HTTP Statuses?

It reduces the complexity of client and server errors. It is also one reason why  Microservice and HATEOAS are easy to definable.

HTTP Status

The initial line of the server’s response indicates the HTTP version and a three-digit status code. Server reserves some default error messages (404 not found or 500 internal server error). Each server(Tomcat, Redhat, Web server) reserves some HTTP status for inbuilt functionality. It is also possible to manually configure the status code.

What are HTTP Status Codes ?

HTTP Protocol is used everywhere from the server page to each service communication, deploying service to monitoring service. HTTP codes give an extension of HTTP protocol to debug network problems using curl, telnet able to check server availability, service responses

HTTP status code is used for search engine optimization of how your pages get indexed, as well as how search engines perceive the performance of your site.

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