Why Javascript?

The following features of Javascript make it an excellent choice among a pool of various programming languages:

  • Simplicity: JS is an easy-to-use programming language with a simple syntax and is beginner-friendly.
  • Client-side execution: The code is executed on the client-side making it a more convenient language.
  • Validation: Client-side validation helps save bandwidth from getting wasted and also saves time.
  • On Browser Debugging Support: Developer Tools on every browser helps debug the code on the browser itself.

Top 10 Javascript Alternatives For Front-End Developers

Everything over the web is in Javascript. Javascript is the most used programming language with approximately 97% of websites using Javascript as a client-side programming language. Everything around us is Javascript ranging from iPhones, Macs, Androids, OS, Linux, etc. Learning and understanding the language helps create the most complex applications with utmost ease.

This vast usage of Javascript goes to its compatibility with both front-end and back-end and its ability to run on all devices. This programming language does not require an initial setup and can be integrated with various third-party libraries for better performance and efficiency. In this article, we’ll be going through Javascript first followed by its alternatives that can be used in its place for frontend development.

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